Play as Donkey Kong, Bowser in Skylanders SuperChargers

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.06.2015 1

Play as Donkey Kong, Bowser in Skylanders SuperChargers on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Skylanders SuperChargers will get a pair of Nintendo-exclusive guest stars: Donkey Kong and Bowser.

Launching on 20th September in North America, Skylanders SuperChargers will see both Donkey Kong and Bowser joining the action as playable characters, together with their own unique toys. The figures will also support amiibo-compatible games, by a simple toggle switch that swaps it out from the Skylanders mode.


Players will be able to use the duo on Wii U, Wii and 3DS versions of Skylanders SuperChargers. In addition, the game supports all 300+ existing toys from the previous titles, allows for customisable vehicles and the ultimate SueprCharge combo.

Image for Play as Donkey Kong, Bowser in Skylanders SuperChargers
Image for Play as Donkey Kong, Bowser in Skylanders SuperChargers
Image for Play as Donkey Kong, Bowser in Skylanders SuperChargers
Image for Play as Donkey Kong, Bowser in Skylanders SuperChargers
Image for Play as Donkey Kong, Bowser in Skylanders SuperChargers
Image for Play as Donkey Kong, Bowser in Skylanders SuperChargers

Will you join Bowser and Donkey Kong in the new game?

Box art for Skylanders SuperChargers

Vicarious Visions




3D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (1 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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I hope we can buy the amiibo/skylanders separate from the game as I would love to get them, but have no interest in the game.

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