Nintendo Announce Stunning Cel-Shaded F-Zero for Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.04.2015 10

Nintendo Announce Stunning Cel-Shaded F-Zero for Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion


Ahead of the upcoming Nintendo Direct this evening, images of a new F-Zero game for Wii U have surfaced.

With Nintendo primed to showcase upcoming games during a presentation this evening, sleuths have looked through source codes on the Official Nintendo Website to uncover currently unpublished pages for unannounced titles. One of these games is simply called F-Zero U for Wii U.

The page has since been pulled, but Cubed3 managed to grab a handful of screenshots and details.

Image for Nintendo Announce Stunning Cel-Shaded F-Zero for Wii U
Image for Nintendo Announce Stunning Cel-Shaded F-Zero for Wii U
Image for Nintendo Announce Stunning Cel-Shaded F-Zero for Wii U

The copy on the website read before being pulled:

The fastest racing game this side of the galaxy returns to Nintendo Wii U. F-Zero U (tentative title) brings all the thrills and spills of the anti-gravity circuit to the world of high definition racing for the first time, blisteringly rendered with 60fps, cell-shaded graphics.

Use the Nintendo Wii U GamePad to provide an immersive cockpit experience, with a first-person view of Captain Falcon's hand as he controls his joystick.

Developer: Bandai Namco
Players: 1-5
Release Date: 1st April 2016

Expect Nintendo to showcase F-Zero U during the Nintendo Direct presentation this evening.

What do you think of the F-Zero U cel-shaded look?

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No offence but I'm calling fake. early april fools day much? (I'm american in case you're wondering) EDIT: ............ I fell for it did I?

( Edited 01.04.2015 03:05 by gamemasterB )

formally known as brando67854321

Time zones. We have to deal with all the jokes on the second, you guys can suffer once in a while as well.

Assuming this is a joke.

DeltaBladeX said:
Time zones. We have to deal with all the jokes on the second, you guys can suffer once in a while as well.

Assuming this is a joke.

What? I was just kidding.-__- and besides the time zone thing throws me off all the time and before you ask me yes I know this is a European website.

( Edited 01.04.2015 03:18 by gamemasterB )

formally known as brando67854321
CaptainRaven (guest) 01.04.2015#4

We can all see these are just F-Zero GX screenshots with a crap filter put over them. Don't play with my heart like that!

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Gotta love those PS filters!

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Omfg I can't wait for this, everyone hated Wind Waker when it was first announced but Cel shaded Fzero is going to be the new revolution in the series. I had heard on the grapevine that they were doing 8player Death Race as well! :O Smilie

You and your April Fool's jokes Jorge. Smilie

This is great, I've been waiting for a true sequel to GP Legend. Smilie

( Edited 01.04.2015 15:01 by Stulaw )

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