Mario Party 10 Launches on Wii U on 20th March with Super Mario Bros. Amiibo

By Shanker Varma 14.01.2015

Mario Party 10 Launches on Wii U on 20th March with Super Mario Bros. Amiibo on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Today's Nintendo Direct brought new information about Mario Party 10 and a Super Mario Bros. series of Amiibo that will both launch on 20th March 2015 in Europe and America. There will be a limited edition of the game that comes with a copy of the game and a Mario Amiibo from the Super Mario Bros. series of Amiibo.

The Super Mario Bros. Amiibo series includes Mario, Luigi, Peach, Yoshi, Bowser and Toad. Some of these characters also appear in the Super Smash Bros. series and so there will be two versions of these character available for purchase.

Image for Mario Party 10 Launches on Wii U on 20th March with Super Mario Bros. Amiibo

The Super Mario Bros. Amiibo will be compatible with other games in a similar way to the Smash Bros. Amiibo. Amiibo can only store data from Super Smash Bros. or Mario Party 10 at any one time. This means that data from Super Smash Bros. will need to be deleted from an Amiibo before it can be used to store data from Mario Party 10. The game will work with nine Amiibo in total: Mario, Luigi, Peach, Toad, Yoshi, Roaslina and Luma, Donkey Kong and Wario. See for more information about Amiibo compatibility.

Mario Party 10 has three different gameplay modes: the traditional party mode, the Bowser party mode, introduced at E3, and Amiibo party.

Image for Mario Party 10 Launches on Wii U on 20th March with Super Mario Bros. Amiibo

Amiibo party is a new feature to the Mario Party series which makes it possible to use Amiibo as game pieces on special boards that relate to that character. For example, gamers may encounter an event on the Mario board where picking up mushroom lets the player grow in size and collect coins while defeating rivals. Similarly, the Luigi Amiibo will give players the chance to suck coins and starts from other characters using the Poltergust. It is also possible assign a token to an Amiibo for use while playing.

Mario Party 10 is available exclusively for Wii U on 20th March.

Image for Mario Party 10 Launches on Wii U on 20th March with Super Mario Bros. Amiibo
Image for Mario Party 10 Launches on Wii U on 20th March with Super Mario Bros. Amiibo
Box art for Mario Party 10








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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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