Free-to-Play Denpa Men Hits 1.7 Million Downloads

By Lex Firth 28.12.2014 2

Free-to-Play Denpa Men Hits 1.7 Million Downloads on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Denpa Nigen no RPG Free!, the free-to-play installment in the Denpa Men series of RPGs on the 3DS eShop, has officially passed 1.7 million downloads.

While it's little surprise that a free game in such a popular series has been so popular, it's impressive news considering the game was only released in Japan in July of this year.

Further content additions have also been confirmed for 2015, despite some minor recent network issues, for which developers Genius Sonority have apologised.

There's still no sign of a Western release of Denpa Nigen no RPG Free!, but the first three Denpa Men games are currently available worldwide for those curious of what's led to the success of the free-to-play game.

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I'd be stunned if this didn't get translated! I really hope the success of this version encourages Genius Sonority to do an expanded version, maybe for Wii U eShop instead. It would be very intriguing to see it done on a larger scale, making good use of the Wii U GamePad's gyroscope for moving around to capture Denpa Men!

I know we have some Denpa fans here - Rudy, Shane, Jacob...maybe others as well?

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Adam Riley said:
I'd be stunned if this didn't get translated! I really hope the success of this version encourages Genius Sonority to do an expanded version, maybe for Wii U eShop instead. It would be very intriguing to see it done on a larger scale, making good use of the Wii U GamePad's gyroscope for moving around to capture Denpa Men!

I know we have some Denpa fans here - Rudy, Shane, Jacob...maybe others as well?

The way Denpa Men works is that you have to go to many different places to capture Denpa which are generated by the WiFi waves surrounding the player, so making a sedentary version would kill the concept, I dont see this making it to a home console (especially since the gamepad has no outer camera for augmented reality which is a big part of the concept too)

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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