Mighty No. 9's Beck Gets a New White Look

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.11.2014 2

Mighty No. 9

Comcept have unveiled a slightly new look for Mighty No.9 protagonist, Beck.

In a development update post, the studio unveiled the Japanese box-art for the game, featuring a retro-styled design with baddies in the background. As for the game's hero, Beck, he'll come with a slightly different finish - instead of grey tones, he'll be presented with white panels across his legs, arms and torso.

Director Koji Imaeda noted how "white is a combination of all colors of light" and how white could suit the character better as he's now "ready to take on all kinds of cool transformations."

Image for Mighty No. 9

What do you think of Beck's new look?

Box art for Mighty No. 9





2D Platformer



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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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hate it

Suprised they didn't start a new kickstarter asking for a further $400,000 to hire an artist to design the cover in various languages.

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