Eat Petits Filous Frubes and Win Nintendo

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.10.2014 1

Eat Petits Filous Frubes and Win Nintendo on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The worlds of Mario and yogurt collide in a cross-promotion with Petits Filous Frubes in the UK.

The company announced a promotion with Yoplait today, which will see some of Nintendo's most iconic characters plastered upon the packaging for Petits Filous Frubes.

Mario, Luigi, Toadette, Baby Peach, Waluigi and Wario will take centre stage on the vanilla flavour, whilst Bowser Jr., Peach, Baby Luigi, Baby Mario, Super Star, Koopa Troopa, Daisy, Yoshi, Bowser, Goomba prefer strawberry.

There'll be a chance to win one of 100s of prizes - from Nintendo 2DS consoles to Nintendo goody bags - by simply entering a secret code on the official website.

Will you Frube-up for a chance to win?

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Sohan (guest) 03.10.2014#1

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