New 3DS Consoles Launching in Australia First on 21st November

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.09.2014 10

New 3DS Consoles Launching in Australia First on 21st November on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo of Australia held a presentation this morning, confirming the release of the New Nintendo 3DS on 21st November.

The upgraded versions of the 3DS console will carry the same prefix as the Japanese versions, using the "New" branding. The consoles will be released in Australia and New Zealand ahead of other territories outside Japan on 21st November 2014.

Image for New 3DS Consoles Launching in Australia First on 21st November

The consoles come with improved 3D viewing, processor, shoulder buttons and a c-stick for extra analogue action. The New 3DS XL won't allow changeable face plates, but the New 3DS will include 20 different designs.

Image for New 3DS Consoles Launching in Australia First on 21st November

The New 3DS will come in white for $219.95 AUS (£120 / $195 USD / €150), whilst the New 3DS XL will be available in Metallic Blue and Black at around $249.95 AUS (£134 / $220 USD / €170).

Nintendo don't have plans to release the upgraded hardware in the US and Europe this year.

For more details, be sure to visit the official website.


Will you grab hold / import a New 3DS or New 3DS XL?

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Wow, AUS / NZ get a pretty big exclusive over EU and the US - wow!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Why does he sound Australian just when he says the word "Australia"? x)

Ahhhh whaaaat!!!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

I'm in Australia at the moment, I'm wondering if this is going to be UK compatible when I get back? If so I am definitely going to get one! For that price too! That's a bargain! That's like 2 days wages for me! I'm in!

my current UK 3DS XL plays Australian games but I'm a bit scared transferring my eShop/ambassador games and stuff over...reckon I'll be safe?

Our member of the week

Flynnie said:
I'm in Australia at the moment, I'm wondering if this is going to be UK compatible when I get back? If so I am definitely going to get one! For that price too! That's a bargain! That's like 2 days wages for me! I'm in!

my current UK 3DS XL plays Australian games but I'm a bit scared transferring my eShop/ambassador games and stuff over...reckon I'll be safe?

Yeah that's the question I've been asking myself. Would be great if we can import a unit for play in Europe without any problem! I would totally do it myself if they're perfectly compatible Smilie !

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Not sure about eShop stuff, but it'll just be a PAL system so will work fine with any European retail games. Australia is PAL, the same as Europe.

Our member of the week

Marzy said:
Not sure about eShop stuff, but it'll just be a PAL system so will work fine with any European retail games. Australia is PAL, the same as Europe.

Yeah, but I worry that if I purchase an Australian system I won't be able to access the European eShop, precisely. And I prefer to wait till we have confirmation that they didn't close out Australia from Europe for at least NEW 3DS exclusive games. I wouldn't like one bit to be royally screwed after I purchase my own system. And we get most games on the eShop over here sooner than Australia does, and I would be afraid, as Flynnie said, of not being able to transfer my European eShop software to an Aussie system.

Too many unanswered questions, and the system is probably going to be super expensive to import because of high demand, I can only imagine... I guess we'll have to wait till some Australian people get one so we can ask them Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I've been reading up on this, apparently when you set your 3DS up for the first time you get asked about what your resident country is. So even though I'm going to buy the AUS 3DS I should still activate it as the UK territory. I can't imagine it's too hard, I have bought one or two things from the UK eShop while in Australia so at least Nintendo aren't so backward to some how block me from using the UK eShop out here on my UK 3DS.

Id be genuinely scared to do the system transfer even if it was a UK-UK unit, I just see something going wrong and losing all my games! I was scared when I did it with the Wii-Wii U and will be pretrified to lose my eShop and ambassador games. 

im in Sydney right now and tempted to go to eb Games expo to get my hands on it but I know it's going to be crazy busy so probably not worth it. I think I'm just going to pre-order it anyway, then wait for someone in the UK to receive their import and see how they get on.

If I was back home I probably wouldn't bother importing as I reckon import tax and customs charges plus postage would cancel out any of the benefits of cost. I'm sure it'll be out Q1 2015 anyway! 

Our member of the week

Flynnie said:
I've been reading up on this, apparently when you set your 3DS up for the first time you get asked about what your resident country is. So even though I'm going to buy the AUS 3DS I should still activate it as the UK territory. I can't imagine it's too hard, I have bought one or two things from the UK eShop while in Australia so at least Nintendo aren't so backward to some how block me from using the UK eShop out here on my UK 3DS.

I should check on my own 3DS about this actually. If you can set an EU purchased 3DS to access the Aussie eShop (with the ballance showing up in australian dollars and all) then both regions should be completely inter-compatible. If not then the same should be expected on the NEW 3DS...

I live on the european continent and I know by experience that you can set your 3DS to UK even if you purchased your unit on the continent and access the UK eShop from it. But UK and rest of Europe get the same releases on the same days. The same cannot be said for Australia. So checking on the existing 3DS'es should already give some info.

EDIT: Just tried it and I could set my console to Australia just fine. However since my Nintendo Network profile is set to my own country, I couldn't access the Australian eShop with my own Nintendo Network ID. But I imagine if I had an Australian NNID, I could!

I can see a problem arising though. If you purchase an Aussie NEW 3DS, and set it to say... UK... the UK eShop and European update servers might not let you log into them with a console not supposed to be released in your own territory yet... So how would you transfer your stuff which are tied to an NNID which itself is tied to a country where your new console hasn't been released yet? You could still play your old cartridges on the new system, but that's pretty much all you could do with the new system... Not so much worth the expensive import now, is it?

( Edited 25.09.2014 22:23 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I also see this being a problem too, games companies constantly lock people out doing beneficial things. I find it a little strange that Nintendo UK would confirm that Aussie units were compatible with European games, can't help but think that would slightly damage European sales...

I think you could be right though, Nintendo will see my NNID as being European on a New 3DS and not allow me to transfer. I think I'll buy on release date, leave it sealed and wait until some other poor sod tries it and see what the general consensus is. Like I said I would naturally wait if I was back home, namely due to things like Warranties etc. Not that I've ever had to return a Nintendo product in my life....

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