Hyrule Warriors Free DLC Update Makes Villains Playable

By Az Elias 18.09.2014 2

Hyrule Warriors Free DLC Update Makes Villains Playable on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Koei Tecmo has announced that the three villains of Hyrule Warriors, Cia, Volga and Wizzro, will all become playable in a free update that will arrive in Europe on 16th October.

This patch will also allow for enemy appearance cut-scenes in Adventure mode to be turned off.

Four paid DLC packages were announced, too, planned to arrive over the coming months in Japan. Expect Western details in due course.

Image for Hyrule Warriors Free DLC Update Makes Villains Playable
Master Quest Pack - 16th October, 1200 yen
Contains one new weapon, one new scenario, an Adventure map pack and two new costumes.

Twilight Princess Pack - Late November, 1200 yen
Contains one new character, one new weapon, an Adventure map pack and two new costumes.

Majora's Mask Pack - January 2015, 1200 yen
Contains two new characters, an Adventure map pack and three new costumes.

Boss Pack - February 2015, 500 yen
Contains two new game modes.

Fans can pre-purchase all of the above DLC in an all-in-one package from 30th September in Japan; doing so will net a Dark Link costume.

Nintendo of America has tweeted to say the all-in-one pack will cost $19.99, whilst it is available to pre-purchase now on the UK eShop for £13.49 and in Europe for €14.99. Although said to be arriving in the same months as Japan, no other details such as exact dates and prices of individual packs were mentioned.

Image for Hyrule Warriors Free DLC Update Makes Villains Playable
Box art for Hyrule Warriors

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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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I do appreciate that they're doing free updates alongside paid ones. Making the three villains playable in a free update was a good call. If Majora's Mask is going to get a shot now, I hope The Wind Waker still has a chance. Hope the prices are decent enough, or at least the one for the bundle.

I'm willing to pay for good content, though. Still so much untapped potential in this crossover.

( Edited 18.09.2014 16:54 by SirLink )

It's awesome to see this game is getting so much post-launch support. I've been playing the game for a few days now and it's really great. More content is really welcome!

I was puzzled as to why those 3 villains weren't playable anyway, I suspected they'd be the first DLC. I'm glad it's free though.

MM stuff, sweet. Probably Skull Kid... And Darmani, Lulu and Fierce Deity costumes.

I wouldn't count on TWW. Hopefully in HW2, but the biggest problem will be merging the artstyles. It could be weird to have a tiny, bright-colored Link running around.

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