Nintendo Japan Website Reveals File Size and Supported Controllers for Fatal Frame V

By Rudy Lavaux 11.09.2014 1

Nintendo Japan Website Reveals File Size and Supported Controllers for Fatal Frame V on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The official Japanese page for the upcoming Wii U title Fatal Frame: The Black Haired Shrine Maiden brings some interesting facts about the game.

First of them is the size of the download version of the game, which is announced at a whopping 15.9GB (for comparison, that's about the same size as Resident Evil Revelations). People without a Deluxe version of the console who would have planned to download the software will know for sure that it will be time to invest in an external USB storage solution.

Furthermore, it is now confirmed for good that the game will only support the GamePad as an input solution, and will not support the same Wiimote controls as Project Zero 2 for the Wii. This makes sense considering how well suited it is to capture ghosts using the Camera Obscura. Off-TV Play is confirmed as not supported at the same time.

Finally, as expected, the game is confirmed as a strictly solo experience, which makes sense given the genre.

Find a machine-translated version of the same page here.

Fatal Frame: The Black Haired Shrine Maiden will release in Japan on September 27th 2014 and is, at time of writing, still not confirmed for a release elsewhere.

Have you invested yet in an external USB storage solution? Would you have appreciated being able to play off the TV?

Box art for Project Zero: Maiden of Black Water
Also known as

Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water


Koei Tecmo







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I am VERY excited about this one! Thanks for the detailed write-up, Rudy ^_^

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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