A Look at the Stunning New Nintendo 3DS Faceplates

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.08.2014 7

A Look at the Stunning New Nintendo 3DS Faceplates on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The new Nintendo 3DS consoles will come with optional themed cases from Nintendo, clip on faceplates.

From Animal Crossing artwork to geometric, colourful prints, classic Mario emblems to neon block colours, there are plenty of striking designs to look at.

The freshly announced crop, shown on the Nintendo of Japan website, will be priced at around 1000 Yen ($10/£6) - 3000 Yen ($30/£17). Only the new Nintendo 3DS casing designs is shown for now, rather than XL compatible variations.

Image for A Look at the Stunning New Nintendo 3DS Faceplates
Image for A Look at the Stunning New Nintendo 3DS Faceplates

Which of these designs do you like? Would you buy 3DS cases?

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Man, these kick ass.

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Can't wait for this feature, wanted proper system customisation for years.

Long overdue. Great idea. Hope to see some classic console designs like SNES, Game Boy, GameCube, etc. I bet people will make cool custom ones too.

I really love the two mushrooms (#19, #20)

This totally reminds me of the GameCube interchangeable faceplates - anyone remember those?

That used to be one of the things C3 used to do waaaaaaaay back in the day. Not sure if anyone remembers 'em. I'm sure there are some buried here on the site.

The feels.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
This totally reminds me of the GameCube interchangeable faceplates - anyone remember those?

That used to be one of the things C3 used to do waaaaaaaay back in the day. Not sure if anyone remembers 'em. I'm sure there are some buried here on the site.

The feels.

I remember 'em lol. Used to get them free in CUBE magazine. Nintendo did the odd rare customised one too. I remember the Metroid Prime GC bundle had a Metroid faceplate.

Love the idea but a bit pricier than I would have hoped though...

I bet a SNES based faceplate would look sexy with those SNES inspired buttons!

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