EU eShop 14/08: Mega Man 3, Ubisoft Discounts

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.08.2014 8

EU eShop 14/08: Mega Man 3, Ubisoft Discounts on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

This week's crop of downloads for Europe includes Mega Man 3, plus a wealth of Ubisoft and NES offers.

It's discounts galore this time round, as publisher Ubisoft have discounted a long number of Wii U titles for the next few weeks, including Rayman Legends, ZombiU, Child of Light and Assassin's Creed IV.

There are also more classic NES games to grab hold of for those who own either NES Remix or NES Remix 2, including Donkey Kong 3, Pinball and Balloon Fight.

The line-up will be available from this Thursday, 14th August:

Nintendo 3DS Downloads

  • Me & My Pets 3D - €29.99/£24.99
  • Mega Man 3 (GB/VC) - €3.99/£3.59

Nintendo 3DS Special offers

  • Hotel Transylvania - €12.99/£9.99 (Ends 28th August)

Wii U Special offers

  • Assassin's Creed III - €9.99/£7.99 (Ends 28th August)
  • Assassin's Creed IV - €14.99/£9.99 (Ends 28th August)
  • Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth - €9.99/£7.99 (Ends 28th August)
  • Rabbids Land - €9.99/£7.99 (Ends 28th August)
  • Rayman Legends - €14.99/£9.99 (Ends 28th August)
  • The Smurfs 2 - €19.99/£15.99 (Ends 28th August)
  • Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Blacklist - €14.99/£9.99 (Ends 28th August)
  • ZombiU (Ubisoft) - €9.99/£7.99 (Ends 28th August)
  • Just Dance 2014 - €14.99/£9.99 (Ends 28th August)
  • Child of Light - €9.99/£7.99 (Ends 28th August)
  • Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams - €8.99/£7.79 (Ends 21st August)
  • Gravity Badgers - €3.49/£3.49 (Ends 28th August)

NES Remix / NES Remix 2 Special offers

Those who own NES Remix or NES Remix 2 can download the following NES title with a discount - until 21st August.
  • Super Mario Bros. 3 - €3.49/£2.44 (Ends 21st August)
  • Donkey Kong 3 - €2.49/£1.74 (Ends 21st August)
  • Metroid - €2.49/£1.74 (Ends 21st August)
  • NES Open Tournament Golf - €2.49/£1.74 (Ends 21st August)
  • Balloon FIght - €2.49/£1.74 (Ends 21st August)
  • Pinball - €2.49/£1.74 (Ends 21st August)
  • Wrecking Crew - €2.49/£1.74 (Ends 21st August)
Which of these games will you download this week?

Box art for Mega Man III





2D Platformer



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It's all about Mega Man 3 - such a great game, and one of my first on GB. Was on one of those 15-in-1 carts!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
It's all about Mega Man 3 - such a great game, and one of my first on GB. Was on one of those 15-in-1 carts!
lol those bootleg carts were awesome. My mate's parents brought him back this 50-in-1 GB/GBC cart from Spain or something in our teens. Had just about everything, including Link's Awakening and both Oracles games. Didn't need anything else. Was amazing.

lol those bootleg carts were awesome. My mate's parents brought him back this 50-in-1 GB/GBC cart from Spain or something in our teens. Had just about everything, including Link's Awakening and both Oracles games. Didn't need anything else. Was amazing.

Loved how these carts usually repeated themselves every so often, and the save packs would be gimped.

Best Christmas - my dad bought my cousin a 10-in-1 cart with Pokemans.

Cousin, infront of everyone, goes "Why... why is Professor Oak telling me to f-u-c-k Charmander" lol, classic.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Cousin, infront of everyone, goes "Why... why is Professor Oak telling me to f-u-c-k Charmander" lol, classic.

I had a gimped Pokemon Crystal, I think it was. Hella messed up gibberish text. I returned it for a quid or whatever it was lol

( Edited 11.08.2014 21:45 by Azuardo )

Pretty good discounts this week. Been waiting on Zombiu for that price. Smilie

Our member of the week

Phoenom said:
Pretty good discounts this week. Been waiting on Zombiu for that price. Smilie

It's already been at that price in the past. Also you could get it for about just as cheap at retail by now Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I know, but I've switched to digital and I missed the last sale. Just traded in Rayman Legends to rebuy it on the eshop as well in fact. Smilie

Our member of the week

Phoenom said:
I know, but I've switched to digital and I missed the last sale. Just traded in Rayman Legends to rebuy it on the eshop as well in fact. Smilie

Ah, fair enough Smilie. Yeah at that price it would be a crime not to pick it up, especially if you like Survival Horror. And I think it's safe to assume by this point that the game won't get ported to another console, and the poor sale might not help a potential sequel... Shame as despite a few flaws, it did far more things right than wrong IMHO.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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