Nintendo Patents 3D Eye Tracking on 2D Display

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.07.2014 1

Nintendo Patents 3D Eye Tracking on 2D Display on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Could Nintendo be expanding their 3D technology? A new patent has emerged for viewing 3D pictures on a 2D display.

Filed on 5th March, the patent covers "Eye Tracking Enabling 3D Viewing on Conventional 2D Display", by "tracking a person's viewpoint". In doing so, it can "change the viewing of the displayed object giving the illusion that the object is physically present in three-dimensional space".

Some practical examples could "provide collision-related game logic benefits such as allowing a player to dodge projectiles, giving a game character an ability to 'see' the player when not behind line-of-sight obstacles, and other advantages," reads the abstract.

Image for Nintendo Patents 3D Eye Tracking on 2D Display
Image for Nintendo Patents 3D Eye Tracking on 2D Display

The technology would involve a marker mounted on a player's head and a "Visible Light Band Camera" that could "determine location of the head and extrapolate the position of the eyes." Further example also include "virtual wind" or temperature aspects, like "blowing cool air on your face." The technology could potentially be used to "detect Emotions via monitoring mental state."

Do you think Nintendo will venture into wearable 3D technology?

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Darkflame (guest) 04.07.2014#1

This is really more more head tracking then eye tracking but I HAVE BEEN SAYING THIS SHOULD BE DONE FOR OVER A DECADE!

Nintendo has no real right to Patent it though. Remember this;
I tried that myself and it worked fantastically. Its not really 3d, but it is a huge improvement to immersion and it feels great. 
That guys at google now, btw, working on the amazing looking project Tango.

Regardless if Nintendo does this it would be a  BIG selling point for me.

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