Shiness Still Considered for Nintendo Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.06.2014

Shiness Still Considered for Nintendo Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Shiness, from Ynnis Interactive, will still be considered for a Wii U release, the developer said today.

Though the game was successfully funded on Kickstarter, a traditional manga-inspired RPG, the Wii U version - a stretch goal - wasn't met. The resulting funding meant that the team had needed at least an additional $30,000 to produce a version of Shiness on Nintendo's home console.

The funding would have ensured that "extra people and extra time" were available to ensure that the game worked well on  Wii U.

Speaking with Cubed3, the company noted that there is still consideration for Wii U, but it will highly depend on the extra funding that comes through via Paypal.

Will you have wanted a version of Shiness for Wii U and did you pledge support?

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