Meet Pikachu at the Pokémon Center Paris

By Adam Riley 03.06.2014

Meet Pikachu at the Pokémon Center Paris on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Opening on Wednesday, 4th June, the Pokémon Center Paris will feature an exhibition of Pokémon video game art including never-before-seen concept art, the sale of exciting products from some of the Pokémon Center ranges, and other special activities such as the chance to meet Pikachu!

The Pokémon Center Paris will be located at:

CREMERIE de PARIS (Hôtel de Villeroy)
11 - 15, rue des Halles - angle 9, rue des Déchargeurs
75001 Paris / France

It will be open from 10:30-19:30 every day, including Sundays, until Saturday, 21st June.

Throughout the week, except for Saturdays, a very special guest is in store for visitors: Pikachu! Pikachu will make an appearance to meet friends and fans, and to pose for photos.

Pikachu will appear in store on the following schedule:

Image for Meet Pikachu at the Pokémon Center Paris

Other fun activities at the Pokémon Center Paris will include:

  • An art exhibition about the rich history of the Pokémon core video game universe;
  • An interactive area where fans can learn how to draw Pikachu;
  • A specially designed Pokémon Center experience, offering a small range of merchandise such as plush toys, T-shirts, and other fun products.
What's more, fans who bring their system in the Nintendo 3DS family and their copy of Pokémon X or Pokémon Y to the Pokémon Center anytime between 4th June and 21st June will receive a special Vivillon with a unique pattern inspired by the colours of the familiar Poké Ball.

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