Pre-Orders Available for $500 NES in a New Shell

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.05.2014

Pre-Orders Available for $500 NES in a New Shell  on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Hardware manufacturer Analogue has developed a new take on the original NES, with an optional HDMI output for the classic games.

The Analogue NT is pitched a premium version of the NES, made from original chips salvaged from cosmetically damaged Famicom consoles, wrapped in a new aluminum casing. The revision comes at a rather hefty cost of $500, with an optional HDMI adapter available for $49 to upscale to 1080p/720p with scan-lines.

Image for Pre-Orders Available for 0 NES in a New Shell
Image for Pre-Orders Available for 0 NES in a New Shell

Coloured casings and original NES controllers will also be available when the system launches in the summer.

What are your thoughts on the Analogue NT?

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