Why Kirby Looks Angrier in US Boxart

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.04.2014 1

Why Kirby Looks Angrier in US Boxart on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Shinya Kumazaki, director for Kirby Triple Deluxe, explained why Kirby looks angrier on US boxart.

Throughout the years, the pink puffball has always had a more angry look and slanted eyebrows, compared to the more cutesy Japanese design. Speaking to GameSpot this week, Kumazaki said the "cuteness is his biggest draw in [the Japanese] market."

As for the US, Nintendo of America feels that the "strong, tough Kirby that's really battling hard is a more appealing sign of Kirby, so that's what we feature in the US."

Oddly enough, the boxart for Kirby Triple Deluxe uses the same, angry look in both regions.

Image for Why Kirby Looks Angrier in US Boxart

Do you think an angrier, "tougher" Kirby is more appealing for Western audiences?

Box art for Kirby: Triple Deluxe





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It still doesn't make sense because it's still not who Kirby is. Once you start playing the game, it's apparent Kirby's personality is quite different than what's implied on the cover art.

Chance favors the prepared mind.

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