Mario Kart 8 GamePad Shells, Wii Wheels to Powerslide into Japan

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.03.2014 5

Mario Kart 8 GamePad Shells, Wii Wheels to Powerslide into Japan on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo of Japan will launch a selection of Mario themed accessories alongside Mario Kart 8 this May.

Not content with just the game, there'll be a plethora of nifty accessories to bring a splash of the Mushroom Kingdom to those heated living room races. Red and Green Wii wheels will be available for each of the respective brothers, with snap-on GamePad shells for those wanting to customise the default controller look with peculiar looking plastic.

These come with Mario Kart artwork scrawled across the front, with cutout parts for the key buttons, camera, speakers and microphone.

Image for Mario Kart 8 GamePad Shells, Wii Wheels to Powerslide into Japan
Image for Mario Kart 8 GamePad Shells, Wii Wheels to Powerslide into Japan

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Box art for Mario Kart 8








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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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Damn those look cool.

Makes me want to buy the Mario and Luigi Wii Remotes and then get matching Wii Wheels for Mario Kart 8.

I would probably have done that if I didn't already have five remotes.
Ok, I'm still considering it.

Wheels look okay, but the shells look really odd.

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Sonic_13 said:
Damn those look cool.

Makes me want to buy the Mario and Luigi Wii Remotes and then get matching Wii Wheels for Mario Kart 8.

I would probably have done that if I didn't already have five remotes.
Ok, I'm still considering it.

I was thinking the exact same thing. lol These are pretty epic, but it'll drive my OCD crazy if they don't match. Smilie

I have been wanting those Mario & Luigi Wii Remote Plus', though. Hmm...

jb said:
Wheels look okay, but the shells look really odd.
Agreed. It's the cut-away design at the base of the shell that's killing it for me.

( Edited 22.03.2014 20:12 by Agul )

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Agul said:
jb said:
Wheels look okay, but the shells look really odd.
Agreed. It's the cut-away design at the base of the shell that's killing it for me.

I thought it was strange at first too, but then I realized why it's like that. It's the combined effect of needing cutouts around the buttons and needing the bottom to be cut out so that it can still sit in the charging stand.

Sonic_13 said:
Agul said:
jb said:
Wheels look okay, but the shells look really odd.
Agreed. It's the cut-away design at the base of the shell that's killing it for me.

I thought it was strange at first too, but then I realized why it's like that. It's the combined effect of needing cutouts around the buttons and needing the bottom to be cut out so that it can still sit in the charging stand.

I know, but it just seems kind of lazy the way they did it. It's making the OCD perfectionist in me cry. lol

Chance favors the prepared mind.

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