Mario Golf: World Tour Dives Undersea in Cheep Cheep Lagoon

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.02.2014 1

Mario Golf: World Tour Dives Undersea in Cheep Cheep Lagoon on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

New images of a course from Mario Golf: World Tour have surfaced, revealing new undersea antics for the Mushroom Kingdom crew.

Mario and friends will be playing some the most advanced golf in the forthcoming game, with one of the courses taking the group deep beneath the sea in Cheep Cheep Lagoon. There's a fair few obstacles to hinder play and "underwater physics to challenge more experienced players", according to Nintendo UK.

Image for Mario Golf: World Tour Dives Undersea in Cheep Cheep Lagoon
Image for Mario Golf: World Tour Dives Undersea in Cheep Cheep Lagoon

Will you join Mario and friends on the green this May?

Box art for Mario Golf: World Tour








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Although a rather far-fetched idea, I think it will work perfectly, especially as a Mario Kart 7 reference....

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