JaxonH (guest) said:
Yeah, Wii U has the best games, easily. DKC Tropical Freeze is so good, it's just SO good... one of the best games I've ever played! Ever! And that's following Super Mario 3D World, another masterpiece in its' own right! Whenever I hear people talk about the Wii U as if it's not a good console, I just laugh and shake my head, because those people are just being ignorant. Where else can you play Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate in HD and free online? Where else can you play Wii Sports Club Golf, THE best golf game ever invented? Where else can you play Pikmin 3, New Super Mario Bros U, and Zelda Windwaker HD?And with this list of games for 2014, it's gonna be a blowout. The majority of gamers will never admit to that- they'll just continue finding ways to bash the console and minimize it's entertainment value, but that's ok. If they can't see the appeal of games like DKC Tropical Freeze, Mario Kart 8, X, Bayonetta 2 and Zelda U, then honestly, they don't DESERVE to play these games. I'm glad the people who mock the Wii U are missing out on it... Cheers to you guys though- we know what's up!
I would totally give you a star for this post, if you were registered. I couldn't agree more. I'm not even bothered about the other next gen consoles, purely because they haven't shown off anything which looks remotely interesting to me. Kingdom Hearts 3 will be great, but it's not going to make me buy a PS4/Xbone right now. I know the Wii U's been out for longer, but PS4/One owners wrongfully complain about the lack of games on Wii U, when in my opinion there is no lack of games.
Does everyone seriously have that much time to kill that they need like 50+ games released every few months?
Another thing which is quite funny to me is that all the upcoming Wii U games (first/second party titles) look absolutely amazing. Bayonetta 2, X, Smash, Mario Kart 8, Yarn Yoshi etc. So it's not even like Wii U is getting a few good games, it's getting a few AMAZING games. Coupled with the fact that it seems to be the next best system for indies, following after PC. Times are great for the Wii U, not from a sales standpoint which is a shame, but I'm sure Nintendo will manage to shift more units when these games finally release!