The Beetle Joins Super Smash Bros in Latest Update

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.01.2014 4

The Beetle Joins Super Smash Bros in Latest Update on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A new item for Super Smash Bros. has been revealed in the latest Miiverse update: The beetle.

In a screenshot posted on the Official Super Smash Bros website earlier earlier today, director Masahiro Sakurai revealed one of the newer items in action - The Beetle as seen in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. In the original Wii adventure Link would propel the metallic critter into the air, allowing it to latch onto nearby objects and trigger what would be inaccessible switches.

Once used it "grabs characters and carries them into the air", said Sakurai, describing the new tool as a "comical item".

Image for The Beetle Joins Super Smash Bros in Latest Update

What do you think of the new beetle item - helpful or hindrance?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

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Hmm, wonder how this'll work and if it'll be a one-use item? I'd be weary if it auto locked on, but a straight shot would be fine I suppose! Perhaps would be good if it required a little charge before use - I can find this becoming quite a frustrating item in a propwer battle situation.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Would be nice if you could use this on a team mate to save them from dying off the edge xD

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
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LKR000 said:
Would be nice if you could use this on a team mate to save them from dying off the edge xD

Wow! Thats a great shout, i think you could accidently save an enemy by doing this though as well. Like sometimes accidently hitting someone that was falling off but in doing inadvertently saving them!

I don't know what to say really, if it attaches itself to enemies will it do any damage to them and if so how much?

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