Nintendo Character Profile | Captain Falcon

By Adam Riley 07.04.2004 1

 I'm one heck of a big guy... ...just remember that if you've ever got a problem with me... ...I'll take you on, on the race track! Captain Falcon
The ridiculously clothed, high-speed bounty hunter
Profile by Robert Ferguson [ Rob_F :: Freelance Cubed³ Writer ]

Captain Falcon is the current holder of the F-Zero racing title, thanks to his super-quick thinking and the capabilities of his beloved F-Zero racer, the Blue Falcon. Falcon is a bounty hunter when the F-Zero season is not on and is one of the galaxies' most well known men.
Age: 36 years old. Falcon is one of the younger racers!
Species: Human, but he has got to be a pretty goddamn quick thinking one. Could you drive that machine? Huh, I thought not...
Location: All over the galaxy. Falcon is a bounty hunter all and he certainly could not earn a living on just one planet!
Birth: Unknown.
Main Features: We do not know much about Captain Falcon's appearance, considering he wears his F-Zero visor everywhere with his helmet hiding his hair. He is quite tanned though and has the sort of muscles that most men would (secretly, of course) die for…
Clothing: You really do not want to know. But I will tell you anyway. Falcon wears a blue body suit, with a massive shoulder pad on his left shoulder, a red helmet with a Falcon on it and his F-Zero visor. Oh, and boots that come up to his knees.  Ugh, he honestly looks like a pantomime villain!
You will not see Captain Falcon hanging around with anyone.  He is a quiet, cool and independent person normally, but when trouble arises he can become quite tense.  He travels the galaxy alone, while F-Zero is not running, in his Falcon Flyer looking for criminals that have a bounty on their heads…and it is not often that he fails to succeed.  Other F-Zero pilots envy him, some even intimidate him, but he never loses his temper with anyone.  The Captain (Cap'n, to his friends) believes in being fair and will never cheat on anything.  Apart from death maybe!
Captain Falcon has made an appearance in many a game. He is considered one of the best characters in the Super Smash Bros. series:

  • F-Zero (SNES)
  • F-Zero X (N64)
  • Super Smash Bros. (N64)
  • F-Zero Maximum Velocity (GBA)
  • F-Zero GX (GC)
  • Super Smash Bros. Melee (GC)
  • F-Zero AX (GC)
  • F-Zero: GP Legend (GBA, coming soon!)
  • Best Appearance
    Captain Falcon has achieved many awesome feats in his life.  One of his finest moments includes the following, very movie-esque plot: a bomb is strapped to the Blue Falcon and if Falcon's speed drops below 700kph then he will explode, along with his beloved machine.  Thus he ends up driving through a traffic-ridden city and manages to knock the bomb off on a crane over the open sea.  Then he enters the F-Zero Grand Prix straight after!  What a hero...
    Don't Mention...
    His Theme Song in F-Zero GX.  If there ever was a song that could embarrass even the most stoic of persons, then this surely has to be it.  Turn the volume down on his Pilot Profile to help him avoid complete humiliation, please?
    In closing...
    Captain Falcon has everything: Fans, Money, a unique lifestyle.  F-Zero would not be F-Zero if Captain Falcon were not in the lead role.  He is the most loved pilot in the tournament and arguably has the best machine for racing.  Falcon already has his own TV show in Japan, with Europeans begging for it to be brought over here.  But for now we will have to take solace in his second GBA outing, the recently re-titled GP Legend, sometime later this year.  Captain Falcon is one of Nintendo's gaming icons, so make sure you do not forget that in a hurry.

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