YouTube Now Available on Nintendo 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.11.2013 16

YouTube Now Available on Nintendo 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The YouTube app has now gone live on Nintendo 3DS, allowing fans to stream the latest video content when connected to the net.

The free download, which takes up just 114 blocks, is now available in Europe and North America. It comes in a range of languages, offering a more mobile layout compared to the Wii U version. Videos are watched on the main, top screen, whilst the lower touch interface lets users continue to browse and search.

The format also allows for specific channels to be easily searched for and browsed, plus enables existing YouTube users to sign in and browse as if on a regular mobile.

It doesn't appear to support 3D videos, however.

Image for YouTube Now Available on Nintendo 3DS
Image for YouTube Now Available on Nintendo 3DS

Will you use the YouTube app on 3DS to browse videos?

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Much prefer it to the Wii U version - it's basically a port of the normal mobile interface, it seems. Those buttons do need improving though, as they really need a firm press or a couple of taps on the stylus to work. Channel searching, subscriptions etc are so much easier on this app.

Don't quite get the YouTube TV interface; too media-like and trying too hard to show trending content.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

The only reason to watch Youtube on 3DS was 3D videos... but they didn't include that. Smilie

I hope they add it later.

Canyarion said:
The only reason to watch Youtube on 3DS was 3D videos... but they didn't include that. Smilie

I hope they add it later.

Yeah, seems like a wasted opportunity in my opinion. I'm guessing Google are the ones who coded the application though, which would make sense because they're always making crappy design decisions.

Darkflame (guest) 30.11.2013#4

Nintendo miss's the point of something again.

The worlds only autosteroscopic games console - almost certainly the worlds most used steroscopic device.
YouTube - a website that supports upload and download of 3D videos in numerous formats. Probably the worlds biggest selection of 3D content too.

And yet, somehow...somehow...Nintendo has managed not to support it >_<
If, somehow, side-by-side 3D wasn't simply enough, I am sure Nintendo could have called Google up to add any other format they needed.  

As it stands not only doesnt it support 3D even mess's up 3d videos so they cant be viewed in 2d :p
(seriously, try it out, you get the whole page twice, not just the video)

Meh, I find it quite pointless if it doesn't have 3D, other than that, I find it useless, you know I'd prefer the iOS version, it's more efficient!

Nintendo and missed opportunity are synonyms these days.

Canyarion said:
The only reason to watch Youtube on 3DS was 3D videos... but they didn't include that. Smilie

I hope they add it later.

There's no 3D support for the 3DS version?! You gotta be kidding me! That's just stupid! You'd think this would be a no-brainer. Oh, Nintendo, Nintendo, Nintendo... *sigh* They better add this soon. Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

It's not Nintendo who made the app, it's Google/YouTube.

Darkflame (guest) said:
Nintendo miss's the point of something again.
Jacob4000 said:
Nintendo and missed opportunity are synonyms these days.
Agul said:
Oh, Nintendo, Nintendo, Nintendo... *sigh* They better add this soon. Smilie

Seriously guys? Wow...

Nintendo doesn't make these apps and is not involved in the development process. They're just like any other third party game.

People are so quick to blame Nintendo for every little thing any chance they get. Ridiculous.

( Edited 30.11.2013 23:44 by Sonic_13 )

Sonic_13 said:
Darkflame (guest) said:
Nintendo miss's the point of something again.
Jacob4000 said:
Nintendo and missed opportunity are synonyms these days.
Agul said:
Oh, Nintendo, Nintendo, Nintendo... *sigh* They better add this soon. Smilie

Seriously guys? Wow...

Nintendo doesn't make these apps and is not involved in the development process. They're just like any other third party game.

People are so quick to blame Nintendo for every little thing any chance they get. Ridiculous.

Looks like people completely overlooked my comment. Thanks for bringing up my point again. You too Canyarion. Smilie

I totally agree, people will blame Nintendo for everything. Yet when it comes to Microsoft and Sony having similar problems, the blame is passed on to other people. What is with these double standards?

I'm not saying this goes for everyone, but I've been browsing the Internet for long enough to know that this is what happens in a lot of cases. Seriously guys, get off Nintendo's back. If it was their problem, it's fine to blame them, but they've just released two corkers for their current platforms. (SM3DW and ALBW) Why don't you stop complaining about an unimportant app and play some awesome games! If the app had 3D, I'd be all over it, but it doesn't, so I'll just move on and use my systems what for they're meant to be used for: Playing amazing games.

Sorry for being so blunt, but I'm sick of all the unnecessary negativity.

( Edited 01.12.2013 04:27 by Mush )

Honestly the number of ungrateful pigs we have in this world is astonishing. Nintendo finally releases YouTube onto the 3DS and everybody takes this as an opportunity to make criticism. Seriously people just be happy you can use YouTube on the 3DS, after all it finally allows us to watch what we want on it.

Plus let's consider the fact that the 3DS is the only 3D screened device so by putting 3D videos on YouTube would be pointless as only 3DS viewers could watch them in 3D and bare in mind the majority of YouTube viewers use the iPhone app or their computer.

( Edited 01.12.2013 12:56 by georg3 )

Apologies for any typos as I am writing this from a smartphone.

When did being a customer mean being grateful for every meager scrap a corporation throws you? Are we groveling serfs or paying customers? No I'm not just "grateful" to have the app because it literally does nothing for me. Why would I watch youtube on my 3DS? I can't come up with one scenario under which I'd do that considering we live in a world filled with high resolution smart phones, laptops, and tablets. 

The only thing that would make this service worth while is if it supported 3D video. 

Those saying that that this is not Nintendo's fault are only partially right. Yes, Nintendo may not have developed this app and are thus not directly responsible for the omission. None the less, Nintendo should have done all in their power to make this happen. In the end, no one has more to gain in providing quality services than Nintendo themselves. They should be working proactively to ensure services like these actually take advantage of the features their hardware offers. 

And that's why, yes, this is a missed opportunity on Nintendo's part. 

Our member of the week

I will certainly be watching Youtube videos on my 3DS, even without 3D. Why? Because watching Youtube on my smartphone drains the battery so much that I then don't have any juice left for all the other uses I could put my smartphone to use on. Youtube on my laptop on battery? 3 hours tops!

Youtube on my 3DS however? 15 hours easy, with the third party long lasting battery I have in this thing! More than on my gamepad, and contrary to the gamepad, I can easily move from one room to the other without any concers.

PLUS! The 3DS I can just make it rest on a table if needed and still continue to watch. The smartphone? Not so much...

No scenarios in which to use the Youtube app on 3DS? Well certainly not for me! I will love to use my 3DS for this! True I will miss not having the ability to watch 3D trailers of upcoming movies but like many said before this is not Nintendo's fault, it's Google's (although they may have been asked by Nintendo to not put in the functionality for fear that they may not be able to continue to sell you 3D cartoons on the eShop for download, or so as not to overshadow the Nintendo Video service, but even if that's the case, they're unlikely to reveal it)

EDIT: Well after trying it out for myself I gotta say the really bad picture quality (which I think is because it caps at the 240p quality of Youtube videos, whereas a scaled down 360p stream would have been much better) makes it really hard to want to watch for long periods of time.

Oh and another option they really should have added is being able to upload to YT directly videos made with the 3DS camera... Would have perhaps made people ACTUALLY want to use the camera for something XD. That and being able to see your 3DS-made 3D videos directly from YT would have breathed a new life into the camera app of the system!

( Edited 01.12.2013 15:26 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I will certainly be watching Youtube videos on my 3DS, even without 3D. Why? Because watching Youtube on my smartphone drains the battery so much that I then don't have any juice left for all the other uses I could put my smartphone to use on. Youtube on my laptop on battery? 3 hours tops!Youtube on my 3DS however?

I guess it depends on your Youtube habits. I rarely spend protracted periods of times on the site. Few clips here and there, music video, movie trailer -- twenty minutes or so tops. Nothing that would seriously stress my battery. So maybe this app will serve the enthusiast.

On this general topic, though, I bought one of these a few weeks ago and battery life isn't a concern for me anymore! I highly recommend it if you carry your 3DS around just to extend the life of your other devices.

Again, yeah, this isn't Nintendo's  app, but why the heck weren't they on the phone with Google making this happen? I mean, talk about about a pretty freaking neat feature to trumpet from the rooftops. "Hey everyone, you know all those 3D videos on Youtube? Well now there's a cost effective way for you to watch them right there in the palm of your hand. Can you do that with your iPhone? No way bro!"

I think the last time I talked about Nintendo needing to work the 3D angle with Hulu/Netflix, Sonic (rightly) pointed out it might take a lot of effort to re-encode content to 3D. A fair point. But in this situation, the content is already there! So I say again that this is a missed opportunity. It is an opportunity that is still out there though, and hopefully Nintendo/Google/Someone does something about it.

Oh and another option they really should have added is being able to upload to YT directly videos made with the 3DS camera... Would have perhaps made people ACTUALLY want to use the camera for something XD. That and being able to see your 3DS-made 3D videos directly from YT would have breathed a new life into the camera app of the system!

*cough* missed opportunity *cough*. Smilie

Sorry for being so blunt, but I'm sick of all the unnecessary negativity.

Nah, be blunt. That's fine. But I'm not going to ignore poor decision making just because Nintendo released a few nice games along the way. Sorry if that gets your heart rate up.

( Edited 01.12.2013 22:00 by Jacob4000 )

I AM stoked YouTube is finally on 3DS, but the fact that it lacks 3D support is just plain dumb. I mean, come on. We're talking about the 3DS here.

Of course I know Nintendo didn't develop the YouTube app, but 3DS is their system. They have the final say so. The fact they didn't stipulate the inclusion of such a no-brainer feature is where the problem lies.

Chance favors the prepared mind.
darkflame (guest) 02.12.2013#16

Can we have a source for who makes this then?

Because this is...frankly...a incredibly easy app to make, if any old 3rd party could do it why has it taken this long?

More so why isn't there, say, alternative webbrowser apps being published? Alternative music players that let you change tracks without opening the lid?
Nintendo might not have coded it, but I am pretty sure  they ordered and guided its creation. They don't seem to allow 3rd partys to do much outside games.

Remember also Nintendo collaborated with Google on the WiiU's street view, so its not like they dont work together.

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