Rumour: Could Nintendo be Remaking Super Mario 64 with Online and Dual GamePads?

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.10.2013 8

Rumour: Could Nintendo be Remaking Super Mario 64 with Online and Dual GamePads? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A new rumour has started to do the internet rounds, suggesting possible Wii U Remakes for Nintendo 64 games.

Certainly one to be taken with a pinch of sault, however Paul Gale - someone known to concoct a fair rumours in the past - has suggested that Nintendo is working on a series called "reUmagined". These games would be spruced up versions of games like Super Mario 64 that would be intended to fill the gaps in the Wii U line-up.

The rumour states that games would take on a similar approach to The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD with visual upgrades and added content.

One of the titles, according to Gale, would be Super Mario 64 reUmagined. It would be remade in HD, with support for two players as Mario and Luigi at the same time, using a split between TV and GamePad screen to control both players. He also suggests that there would be support for multiple GamePads, with each player having a unique view on the GamePad until they come together on the same screen.

A more farfetched part of the rumour also suggests that there'll be online co-operative/counter-operative play, races and star collecting modes.

Finally, he also highlights potential other candidates for Wii U remake treatment:

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What are your thoughts on reUmagined concept - could it be true?

Box art for Super Mario 64





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This does not sound like Nintendo's style, unless it's something developed by their newer western offices.
A title like "ReUmagined" isn't the kind of name that the Japanese audience would go for, even by esoteric RPG player standards.

Thank you for sharing this story and do know I just shared the information that was given to me so yes, it is a rumor for now. If I do receive more concrete information, I will definitely share it...and that goes for both it being proven true or false.

I personally hope it is the real deal, because it'd be a smart move for Nintendo to make in my opinion. If smaller teams could focus on several month long titles to pump out that are awesome, in between the more grand 2-4 year development games for Wii U, then why not?

We'll see how this paves out and hope for the best in the time being.

- Paul Gale Network

( Edited 24.10.2013 22:34 by Paul Gale Network )

n64billy (guest) 24.10.2013#3

That second last one on the list fits "Majoras Mask"

I'm hoping this is true..!

A remake of Mario 64 could be cool so long as they don't wind up doing something stupid to it. Calling it "ReUmagined" would fall under the "doing something stupid to it" category.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

Mario Sunshine HD please ta Nintendo :-Smilie

[email protected] (guest) 27.10.2013#6

The mario remake would be a hit for sure with non digital tv's fast becoming scarce and bad graphics on new hd tv's retro gamers will be left in no mans land.

Ifrit XXII said:
Mario Sunshine HD please ta Nintendo :-Smilie

Indeed, we've seen Mario 64 remade on the DS. I'd rather have Sunshine remade! 

Just Joshin (guest) 12.03.2014#8

n64billy (guest) said:
That second last one on the list fits "Majoras Mask"

I'm hoping this is true..!

Nah, it's gonna be Pokemon Snap Smilie

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