Rumour: Could Nintendo be Remaking Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.10.2013 4

Rumour: Could Nintendo be Remaking Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Dialogue in Pokémon X and Pokémon Y could be hinting at a possible remakes for Ruby and Sapphire.

Nintendo and developer Game Freak have brought back past generation Pokémon games on various occasions now, with FireRed/LeafGreen and HeartGold/SoulSilver.

Now fans have been eager to uncover potential teasers for what could end up being a third-generation remake for Nintendo 3DS. The maths does add up given the past generation remakes - it's about time for a return to the Hoenn Region for older trainers.

Twitter account OperationHoenn has spotted some script highlights a "facility" which could be related to the Battle Frontier in Ruby and Sapphire, that players would "see it in due time".

Image for Rumour: Could Nintendo be Remaking Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire
Do you think Nintendo are planning to remake Ruby and Sapphire, and would you play through these games again?

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It seems logical.

It's a bit intimidating though when you think about it... Last gen had Black/White, Heart Gold/Soul Silver AND Black/White2. That's a lot of Pokémon. And also the reason why I don't bother with the remakes.

I started my journey as a trainer in Hoenn, and going back to the region will be exciting. I'm looking forward to this, when they do confirm this.

Onwards, TO NOWHERE! Proud owner of Farming Simulator 2013.

Inevitable to be fair! The difference would be the new graphical overhaul. It would be a completely different transition than what Red/Blue - LeafGreen/Fire Red and Gold/Silver - SS.HG.

I agree though, a bit too much Pokemon overkill maybe with the Dungeon games, Rumble and Conquest....

I started with Gen 1 but Hoenn is my favourite region so to see it in beautiful 3D would be amazing!

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