Bigger GamePad Battery, Wii Charging Dock Heading to Europe

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.09.2013 10

Bigger GamePad Battery, Wii Charging Dock Heading to Europe on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo are set to release the Wii U GamePad battery and remote charging pack in Europe shortly.

Various retailer listings, spotted by NeoGAF earlier this week, point to a September 27th release in some regions, with October 4th stated by Amazon Germany.

The GamePad's capacity would then increase from  500mAh to a far juicer 2550mAh, bringing with it an estimated lifespan of five to eight hours on average - with a price point of €29.99.

Image for Bigger GamePad Battery, Wii Charging Dock Heading to Europe

The charging cradle offers a large play time for a short charge, rolling in at around nine minutes for an hour's use and 90 minutes for 13+ hours. Interestingly, the cradle/dock uses the same Nintendo 3DS charger for easy hot-swapping of devices.

Will you upgrade your Nintendo Wii U/Wii power next month?

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Rooooooooooooflmao... a battery for €30? What a joke.

I have never really had an issue with the battery power. If I starts to go low I will plug it in and keep playing or let it charge while I watch a video on YouTube or Netflix. This is a complaint that only people that don't have a wiiu will complain about. If this was a handheld that was not close to a plug in then I could see a problem.

Nintendo do, what all others don't.

I think the price is ridiculous. I personally have no problem with the standard battery but that's probably because I've not yet had a WiiU game that's got me playing for hours on end.

Annoyingly i think part of the problem that stops me playing my Wii U for long spells is the short battery span. I still think they'd be better off allowing you to put the gamepad into stanby mode or to turn it off while watching videos (I've used a lot of LOVEFiLM recently), hell even options to turn down the brightness just to conserve battery...

BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Nintendo decide to fleece their customers instead....

I wonder if this will come packaged in with new consoles in the near future?

You can't change the brightness of the uPad in Lovefilm? That's really weird, are you sure?
And I know turning the screen off doesn't work when in the internet browser, because as soon as you hit the home button, you leave the internet browser again. But it sucks that it also doesn't work in Lovefilm.

Canyarion said:
You can't change the brightness of the uPad in Lovefilm? That's really weird, are you sure?
And I know turning the screen off doesn't work when in the internet browser, because as soon as you hit the home button, you leave the internet browser again. But it sucks that it also doesn't work in Lovefilm.

I feel like a fool Smilie, you can do this! I revoke my comment!

And another happy customer! Smilie

So did you also find the option to turn off the screen? I usually do that when I'm playing with a Wiimote, then it's really easy to get out of the menu again and back to the action.

Canyarion said:
And another happy customer! Smilie

So did you also find the option to turn off the screen? I usually do that when I'm playing with a Wiimote, then it's really easy to get out of the menu again and back to the action.

I did, i could have sworn that wasnt there before! Did they put that in an update? 

Flynnie said:
Canyarion said:
And another happy customer! Smilie

So did you also find the option to turn off the screen? I usually do that when I'm playing with a Wiimote, then it's really easy to get out of the menu again and back to the action.

I did, i could have sworn that wasnt there before! Did they put that in an update? 

It's been there since the beginning as I clearly remember doing that when I was playing New Super Mario Bros. U with a Wiimote.

SirLink said:
Flynnie said:
Canyarion said:
And another happy customer! Smilie

So did you also find the option to turn off the screen? I usually do that when I'm playing with a Wiimote, then it's really easy to get out of the menu again and back to the action.

I did, i could have sworn that wasnt there before! Did they put that in an update? 

It's been there since the beginning as I clearly remember doing that when I was playing New Super Mario Bros. U with a Wiimote.

Smilie Oh dear.....

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