Nintendo Comments on Wii U TVii for Europe

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.09.2013 8

Nintendo Comments on Wii U TVii for Europe on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With Nintendo of America updating the TVii app to include new drawing tools, just where is the service in Europe?

We popped the question to Nintendo today, who confirmed that TVii for European Wii U owners is still in development, but there aren't any announcements for the time being. The official website still states 2013 at time of writing, but this may well change depending on where Nintendo of Europe are with launching TVii.

We are working to bring a similar Nintendo TVii service to Europe however we have nothing to announce at the current time.

What channels and providers would you like for TVii in your region?

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What a load of rubbish. Almost a year since it's release and we've still not got it? This could be a nice feature to advertise yet they seem to be messing about....

One of my biggest gripes about this is that they made it one of their selling points and not launched it. Its not hard exactly is it, i see BBC iPlayer, Sky Player, 4OD and ITV player on the PS3/Xbox, i bet the the PS4 and XB1 will have similar features on launch!

...........and the main reason why I have not got a Wii U. 

Jive (guest) 06.09.2013#4

The main reason you have not bought a Wii U is because you cant watch TV on it?  Geez... my Sky box has TV services on it strangely enough, and if that didn't guess what, my TV does and even my bluray home theater kit.  Pretty much every compatible tech has net flix and  I love film etc on it, including Wii U. But I just don't get the need on a GAMES console. I would never convince my wife to watch Hollyoaks on the gamepad while I run around as Sam Fisher on the TV.  On the other hand, I can play spies vs. mercs on the gamepad with no complaints while she watches the TV.

Well I use the Wii for games and I player a lot, and have a PS3 for multimedia stuff and Bluray too. I'd like to think of Wii U as an upgrade for me, so not having TV ii with Iplayer (which  I reckon will be part of it) right off the bat is part of the deal for me. I prefer the Wii I player, seems to crash a lot less for me.

Besides, the only game that really interests me, that I heard is better than on the other consoles, is NFS Most Wanted. I don't have Sky at the minute, not sure if it will work with the provider I am with anyhow. Its nice to have options aswell on a console, probably seeing the trailer at release time for Tvii got me really interested in it. 

In Europe, you have awfully scattered TV market. Maybe it would be great to launch TVii in UK, but what about France, Poland, Germany, Spain, Italy? It only makes sense to release such a TVii marketwide in all Europe.
But I highly doubt it to come to fruition. Shame, really. But Germany may be busting it, because of all the close-minded TV execs.

Good luck, nonetheless.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Laurelin said:
In Europe, you have awfully scattered TV market. Maybe it would be great to launch TVii in UK, but what about France, Poland, Germany, Spain, Italy? It only makes sense to release such a TVii marketwide in all Europe.
But I highly doubt it to come to fruition. Shame, really. But Germany may be busting it, because of all the close-minded TV execs.

Good luck, nonetheless.

Microsoft and Sony seem to cope fine!

Yeah I can actually see Microsofts TV features coming to Xbox One before the WiiU features. :/

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