Bethesda: Too Late for Nintendo and Wii U Third Party Support

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.09.2013 18

Bethesda: Too Late for Nintendo and Wii U Third Party Support on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Bethesda's Pete Hines has reiterated his stance on Wii U development, stating that it's too late for Nintendo to convince third parties.

There is a notable absence of third-party support on the company's latest home console, particularly from Western studios, and it doesn't appear that the situation will change from Bethesda at least. In an interview Hines stated that "the time for convincing publishers and developers to support Wii U has long past."

He contrasted Nintendo to Sony and Microsoft, and how both companies "involved us very early on, and talking to folks like Bethesda and Gearbox, they say 'here's what we're doing, here's what we're planning, here's how we think it's going to work' to hear what we thought - from our tech guys and from an experience standpoint."

He feels that as a company, that Bethesda will work on platforms that "that better support what it is we're trying to do" and that Nintendo should have taken more time to approach these studios before designing the Wii U hardware.


What are your thoughts on Hines' comments - do you agree - and the future of third party Wii U development?

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Bethesda make great games, but they're not too good from a technical standpoint considering how buggy a lot of their multi-plat games are. I think even if Nintendo had approached these guys from an early point, they still wouldn't have given any support.

I don't think the WiiU is ever gonna have massive 3rd party support. At the worse I think it'll be on par with the Wii but with less shovelware considering the casual market isn't gonna be as big this time.

I really don't understand why Bethesda has been so vocal about not supporting Wii U. There have been multiple statements from them about this, which is just odd considering they have essentially NEVER supported Nintendo.

Unfortunately some people are going to see this as another developer not supporting Wii U when really they're giving Nintendo the exact same support they have been giving for the past 22 years.

The only two games Bethesda has ever developed for Nintendo platforms were Home Alone and Where's Waldo?...for the 1991.

kkkk (guest) 03.09.2013#3

Wii U is dead already

Yes, Sonic_13. Why should Nintendo approach Bethesda? They give a shit about Nintendo, alsways have given!
And back in Morrowind-days, I think their engine wasn't very good. I don't know if it has changed.
Consider Nintendo for a moment, approaching Bethesda early on, saying "Here's what we are doing!"- I think the answer would be "We Don't care!" since they don't want to support Nintendo!

They talk about this so often, because everybody asks them. They don't talk about this out of self-interest!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Well, Nintendo's never going to get developers like Bethesda if they don't put in the kind of effort Sony and Microsoft do.

It's really easy to put this on Bethesda and say "well you just hate Nintendo - you've rarely ever made games for them", but if that's the case it's really on Nintendo to fix that relationship. It sounds to me like they haven't even tried. Bethesda does not need Nintendo; they're doing just fine without them. But Nintendo could really use developers like Bethesda (and others) right now. 

eirik (guest) 04.09.2013#6

because third parties dont want their buggy games on wiiu. i remeber a time when exclusive games sold systems

Laurelin said:
Yes, Sonic_13. Why should Nintendo approach Bethesda? They give a shit about Nintendo, alsways have given!
And back in Morrowind-days, I think their engine wasn't very good. I don't know if it has changed.
Consider Nintendo for a moment, approaching Bethesda early on, saying "Here's what we are doing!"- I think the answer would be "We Don't care!" since they don't want to support Nintendo!

They talk about this so often, because everybody asks them. They don't talk about this out of self-interest!

Sorry but I gotta disagree with your "not saying it out of self interest" comment. If they truly were a developer who made games for the love of the job instead of ego they wouldn't be so against making these kinds of games for Nintendo platforms. Just like Epic it's all about measuring "manhood" & they know their games will never outsell Nintendo first parties. As soon as they get over this fact & grow enough balls to do what SHOULD be done to support the very company who single handedly saved the industry from full collapse.

This Bethesda rep may not have embarrassed himself by laughing at Nintendo publicly like the Epic's Epic DOUCHE CEO did..but there's A LOT of bias against Nintendo at Bethesda.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I believe Nintendo will do just fine, and they dont need this developer. This developer will do just fine, and they dont need Nintendo.
Thats just how it goes, no hurt feelings and they both should do their best to make the best game possible, and we can enjoy them! Smilie

, said:
I believe Nintendo will do just fine, and they dont need this developer. This developer will do just fine, and they dont need Nintendo.
Thats just how it goes, no hurt feelings and they both should do their best to make the best game possible, and we can enjoy them! Smilie

Well it does nothing to scratch my Elder Scrolls on Nintendo systems itch....hopefully this dev will get their act together & give us the games we've been clamoring for ever since sony stole them from us.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Sorry but I gotta disagree with your "not saying it out of self interest" comment. If they truly were a developer who made games for the love of the job instead of ego they wouldn't be so against making these kinds of games for Nintendo platforms. Just like Epic it's all about measuring "manhood" & they know their games will never outsell Nintendo first parties. As soon as they get over this fact & grow enough balls to do what SHOULD be done to support the very company who single handedly saved the industry from full collapse.

Vorash, you really need to remove emotion from the picture and think about things logically.

It's not about "balls". It's about return on investment. The Wii U currently isn't offering these developers access to the sort of large audience they need to be successful. Furthermore, Nintendo hasn't done enough to foster trust; as Bethesda says, they'll support people who support them, and Bethesda is saying Nintendo hasn't really bothered to reach out to the extent MS and Sony have.

So "balls" has nothing to do with it; unless "having balls" means throwing money at systems with weaker prospects for success. Which I suppose could be considered "ballsy", but most would probably call it bad business sense or just plain foolhardy.

Bottom line is that Bethesda and others not developing for your system of choice doesn't make them egotistical bastards who don't love to make games. If you have an "Elder Scrolls itch" then right now you simply have the wrong system. 

shakyjake (guest) 05.09.2013#11

""""""As soon as they get over this fact & grow enough balls to do what SHOULD be done to support the very company who single handedly saved the industry from full collapse.""""""""

why do you think all devs owe nintendo ? you say nintendo saved the industry from collapse an awful lot, and so in your mind, every dev in the world owes them a favour and should put every game they ever make on nintendo platforms. you cant keep hanging onto something that is over 20 years old now. i dont know why on earth people think there is a god given right that every damn game should be on a nintendo platform. stop fricking whining about it and go buy a playstation, pc or xbox if you're so damn caught up on it. how bout i go ballistic that nintendo platforms get exclusives too, and demand that they HAVE to be on other platforms? geez, get over it and enjoy the exclusives on nintendo platforms. it's just video games man, why are you going nuts over something so stupid ?

""""""""hopefully this dev will get their act together & give us the games we've been clamoring for ever since sony stole them from us.""""""""

thats funny. sony did not steal anything from nintendo concerning bethesda or the elder scrolls. wanna know the first elder scrolls game on playstation ? the elder scrolls 4 on ps3.

""""""ever since sony stole them from us""""""

just like nintendo "STOLE" bayonetta 2 and sonic lost world right ??? how ironic that you say nintendo should buy platinum games and then bitch about other platforms getting certain exclusives. seriously dude, get over it. why cant people just enjoy the games that are offered on nintendo platforms as much as what is offered on other platforms and then, oh i dont know, enjoy them ? bitching about games not coming to nintendo platforms is sad and pathetic. nobody owes nintendo anything. if you arent happy with it, buy a console that does have the games you enjoy or shut up and play your nintendo. seriously.

as for bethesda, why the hell do journalists keep bothering bethesda about the wiiu ? for gods sake, they dont want to work on the platform, just like they havent worked on nintendo platforms since the nes ! what is up with these people pestering them about this ? i dont understand why people think there is a god given right that all devs HAVE to support nintendo. they clearly dont want to, so who cares why ? maybe they do really dislike nintendo and the platforms they make. so what ? honestly, journalists need to stop hanging onto stupid things and bothering devs like bethesda about this and then stop reporting about it.

My emotion is justified Jacob & "guest" with examples like the Bayonetta fanatics who crapped themselves with what system the sequel is going to be exclusive on (instead of being glad that there's a sequal at all) as well as all the crying & begging from sony only users saying they'll wait till third party games are on Nintendo before buying their system AND saying those third party exclusives should be on sony platforms give me damn good reason to feel this way.

There are soooo many non contracted third party titles that should be on Nintendo system's before ANY third party exclusive is justified for being "shared" with the other 2 competitors. Devs say they "want as many people to enjoy the games they make" & yet they chose not to support as many people as they could. There's a lot of "politics" here that the general public aren't aware of, power is no longer an issue since the capabilities ARE just depends on if devs do have the BALLS to do what people want. How else do you explain Itagaki making Ninja Gaiden on DS, or Suda 51 with No More Heroes on Wii & Platinum with MADWORLD? People just need to drop ignorance against Nintendo & do their damn homework before talking about these kinds of things.

I've got no problem sharing third party I.P.s across platforms....but it's damn 1 sided when 1 gets 80% of that & complains when a few aren't on it while the other is denied a majority of it, wants EQUAL shared access to those games & is insulted when they stand up for what they believe in. There is a HUUUUUGELY disrespectful view against Nintendo, otherwise douche devs like the one at Epic, EA AND Bethesda (they haven't even made enough games FOR Nintendo to prove they aren't biased against it) wouldn't have made those publicly embarrassing comments.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I don't think you addressed a single point I made in my post, Vorash. Not really a discussion if you won't respond to what I'm saying.

I don't really care what the Bayonetta fanatics did or did not do. One fanboy is as bad as any other. I care about logic and common sense.

shakyjake (guest) 05.09.2013#14

i dont understand why you give a crap about what others think about nintendo. you're basically saying that just because others bitch and moan when nintendo gets exclusives like bayonetta 2 etc, that you should bitch and moan about games that dont come out on nintendo platforms too. why not be the bigger person and ignore all that crap ? just go play and enjoy bayonetta 2 on your wiiu or madworld on your wii, and play and enjoy elder scrolls or whatever else is not available on nintendo platforms and be done with it.

maybe a lot of devs do want as many people as possible to play their games, but maybe also they dont want to/ have the money to develop wiiu versions because there isnt a lot of money to be made on it. maybe it is a lack of balls. maybe it is just that they hate nintendo. WHO CARES ? whats done is done. its been a fact for the last 15-20 years that nintendo just does not get the best of the bunch of third party games, so its getting pretty boring that people still moan about it. accept it and then go and enjoy what DOES come out on wiiu, and if you really want to play the other third party stuff, go buy a different platform. simple as that.

shakyjake (guest) said:
i dont understand why you give a crap about what others think about nintendo. you're basically saying that just because others bitch and moan when nintendo gets exclusives like bayonetta 2 etc, that you should bitch and moan about games that dont come out on nintendo platforms too. why not be the bigger person and ignore all that crap ? just go play and enjoy bayonetta 2 on your wiiu or madworld on your wii, and play and enjoy elder scrolls or whatever else is not available on nintendo platforms and be done with it.

maybe a lot of devs do want as many people as possible to play their games, but maybe also they dont want to/ have the money to develop wiiu versions because there isnt a lot of money to be made on it. maybe it is a lack of balls. maybe it is just that they hate nintendo. WHO CARES ? whats done is done. its been a fact for the last 15-20 years that nintendo just does not get the best of the bunch of third party games, so its getting pretty boring that people still moan about it. accept it and then go and enjoy what DOES come out on wiiu, and if you really want to play the other third party stuff, go buy a different platform. simple as that.

I'm bitching & moaning about the spoiled psychotic fanbase on the other side of the fence, they've got not justifiable right to cry against Nintendo & devs have NO REASON currently to deny Nintendo said third party titles that aren't locked to 1 system by contract.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
shakyjake (guest) 06.09.2013#16

""""""I'm bitching & moaning about the spoiled psychotic fanbase on the other side of the fence""""""

why ??? why are you bitching and moaning about these people ??? these people had nothing to do with the topic at hand here, and now you're trying to use them as your reason for being mad that certain games arent coming to nintendo platforms. why does the topic need to come down to the "fanboys" and the "sony only" people, or the "xbox only" people, or the fans of a particular game or series ? its crazy to be so fixated on groups of people and use them as your reason for your likes and dislikes of particular games/topics. forget about the fans "on the other side of the fence" !!! who cares what they think or want ?!

maybe some devs DO have reasons that you have no idea about. lack of experience developing on nintendo, not enough time/money to develop a nintendo version, wont make enough money off of a nintendo version, prefer to work on platforms they are comfortable/familiar with, not a fan of the hardware, only wants to focus on certain platforms to ensure quality, or just flat out doesnt want to - these are ALL reasons. they might not be reasons you like, but they are reasons.

now come on, suck up the fact that nintendo isnt going to get all of these games that other platforms will, but accept the fact that nintendo WILL and DOES get exclusives that wont be on other platforms too, and you will stop stressing out over such petty issues.

I gave my answer "guest" it's nobodies loss but yours if it escapes your. That just tells me you're part of the problem.

Do yourself a favor & DO YOUR HOMEWORK!! If you don't comprehend that the Nintendo install base DOES want these kinds of games on THEIR system then that just proves my point even more so. Educate yourself instead if spreading the inexperienced ignorance kid...

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
shakyjake (guest) 08.09.2013#18

you're a weird one. you dont answer the questions you get asked. oh well. for as long as you keep living in a dream world and never accept that many games wont come to nintendo, and for as long as you dont just go and buy a system that does have those games you want to play, i guess you will always have this weird attitude, leaving you acting just as bad as the other fans that bitch and moan on the other side of the fence too. you're no different at all. if you're just gonna keep playing only on nintendo platforms then of course you're gonna limit yourself to what you can play, but instead of just enjoying what is available on nintendo platforms, you go nuts when another dev doesnt bring a game to it. you can either shut up about it and enjoy whats on your nintendo platforms, or go and buy another console to go alongside your nintendo platforms to enjoy those other games too. but it doesnt seem like you're gonna ever do either. you're just gonna continue to bitch every single time a game doesnt get released on a nintendo platform. so weird.

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