Could Nintendo be Working on a Pokémon Fighting Game?

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.08.2013 6

Could Nintendo be Working on a Pokémon Fighting Game? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A new trademark for a potential new Pokémon game has surfaced known as Pokkén Fighters.

The internet was set ablaze when Nintendo teased a short clip of a 3D Lucario battling Blaziken in a futuristic city last week. Siliconera has been doing some digging and uncovered trademarks for two possible titles - Pokkén Fighters and Pokkén Tournament - filed by the Pokémon Company in the US on August 15th.

Image for Could Nintendo be Working on a Pokémon Fighting Game?

Could Nintendo be working on a next-generation Pokémon fighting game?

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The screenshot definitely looks like it could fit a Pokemon fighting game.

Interesting that the word "Pokken" was trademarked. I don't know how the Japanese breaks down, but "Tekken" means "iron fist"

Ken means fist and Poke means pocket, so this could be something like "pocket fist" in the same manner as pokémon means "pocket monsters".

We already had mewtwo and lucario at smash bros, so this could be some kind of fighting game which definitely is a good thing to see.

^^ Liking the sounds of these translations - could very well be a Pokémon fighting game! Some are saying it could be related to a the Pokemon TCG instead?

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Another reason to milk us out of NFC figurines on the Wii U!

TBH if the NCF figurines for Rumble U could be used in Pokken, then that would be awesome and give us a good reason to try and get as mush as we could.

Actually, Nintendo should release a bunch of different games on the Wii U that use the same NCF figurines.

Reiji said:
TBH if the NCF figurines for Rumble U could be used in Pokken, then that would be awesome and give us a good reason to try and get as mush as we could.

Actually, Nintendo should release a bunch of different games on the Wii U that use the same NCF figurines.

Very true actually, would be a really easy way to milk those figures - a breeding game, Pokémon Snap 2 etc

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

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