Nintendo Realise HD Jump Requires More Resources

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.07.2013 7

Nintendo Realise HD Jump Requires More Resources on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

During development of Pikmin 3, Nintendo have realised the increased resources needed to develop new titles in High Definition.

Despite HD gaming being around for more than five years and creeping up to a decade, Nintendo are only just tapping into what will eventually be dated TV output. The jump to Wii U from Wii "requires about twice the human resources than before", confirmed Shigeru Miyamoto whilst talking to investors about Pikmin 3's development period.

Please allow me to explain that we may have underestimated the scale of this change and as a result, the overall software development took more time than originally anticipated just as we tried to polish the software at the completion phase of development. However, we are almost out of this phase, and we are also trying to create something unique utilizing an easier development approach called "Nintendo Web Framework."

With that in mind, future HD projects from Nintendo should arrive at a quicker pace, given the company's continual expansion.

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Why is that making a game in HD doubles the workload? I'm not doubting the people who say it does, I just don't understand why. I understand that the hardware would have to work harder for various reasons, but I don't understand where the extra manpower and work hours come from. I think it would be interesting to know (and whatever the answer is, someone should've told Nintendo about it a couple of years ago).

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

Largely I would think it comes down to increased detail in the environments you put in to make them seem fitting with a more detailed look. From random trash to various incidental detail that you wouldn't have even been able to put in an older game on top of the more obvious stuff you see. Tha's without going into audio, animation (heavy use of motion capture in many games) as well as voice acting as standard now.

Nintendo has shown an uncanny ability to just barely adapt to industry growth over the last 30 years while still managing to be successful.

If they (one developer) are releasing 8+ first party Wii U games alongside their already killer 3DS lineup in the next 12 months despite this challenge, I can't say I'm worried about the future of their game output.

Which is good, because I'm still worried about what the heck happened in the last 12 months on the home-console front. Smilie They'll need a game output to recover from that.

( Edited 06.07.2013 22:18 by SuperLink )

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TAG said:
Why is that making a game in HD doubles the workload? I'm not doubting the people who say it does, I just don't understand why. I understand that the hardware would have to work harder for various reasons, but I don't understand where the extra manpower and work hours come from. I think it would be interesting to know (and whatever the answer is, someone should've told Nintendo about it a couple of years ago).

I think it is more an issue of things taking longer to complete because of more detailed models and texture as well as more advanced programming and AI. So while increasing staff on a same isn't necessary per se, it is if you still want games to come out at the same pace.

well if it is in HD it should require much more resources.

a) I really hate how "HD" is shorthand for "better graphics" these days.

b) Something like Pikmin, which is realistic and detailed, I can certainly understand taking more resources. But anything stylised or cartoony this shouldn't apply too.   Increasing the render res really doesnt effect assets.
Having models a bit smoother adds a *tiny* bit of workload - but unless your adding more details (ie, textures, details in the mesh shapes) it shouldnt add manhours. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I said this somewhere else but the fact Nintendo is still making obscure-ass games like Pikmin, X, and SMTxFE makes me think we don't have much to worry about.

Nintendo are pretty good at budgeting compared to a lot of companies from the sounds of things.

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