Sakurai: Not All Super Smash Bros. Characters Will Return on Wii U and 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.06.2013 28

Sakurai: Not All Super Smash Bros. Characters Will Return on Wii U and 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The chap behind Super Smash Bros. has confirmed that not all characters from the past games will return.

It's more than likely that the main roster and big names will return, a slice of which we've seen includes Mario, Donkey Kong, Pikachu, Samus, but some of the more obscure cast won't make the cut.

Producer Masahiro Sakurai spoke to NowGamer this week, stating that the team "don't have the time to fully recreate every single character who's been in Smash Bros. at this point". The reason why all the characters can't be re-created for the new game simply boils down to the amount of work it takes.

So we're not going to cut characters out of the way, we're going to put in as many characters as we can, we really want to do that, because it's good for the fans and good for all of us. But in the event that we do have to cut some characters, I'd like to apologise in advance to those fans.

What characters would you like to cut and see return in the new Super Smash Bros. titles for Wii U and 3DS?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Bandai Namco







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Smilie Well I guess this was inevitable... I just hope Lucas isn't cut, he was my Brawl main... I wouldn't mind if ROB and Wolf are gone... but I want Mewtwo back!

Mewtwo is pretty likely I think, he's a sellpoint for XY afterall.

Lucario.. not so sure. And I'm thinking many clones like Wolf won't return.
Mostly worried about Sonic tbh, but he's a different story.

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Hmm. I wouldn't care if some were removed.

From Brawl / Melee I don't mind a lack of:
Dr. Mario, Falco, Ike, Lucario, Olimar (bloody hated Olimar ;]) Pichu, Wario, Wolf.
Though I prefer them to stay, I could live without them.

I am worried about Samus' Zero Suit, Toon Link, Diddy (though I didn't play him much, he was pretty interesting) and I think Ice Climbers. I know not a lot of people played those 2 and there are issues with the AI on Mama (or Papa on that one colour choice.) 

I am hoping to see Mewtwo return though ^^ 

Also I suspect that anyone who was in both Melee and Brawl (& by extension the original) are likely to stay in right? Peach, Zelda, Marth, those types. 

I hope they'll consider making these characters available as DLC. I always liked Wolf, I thought he was easier to play than Fox/Falco.

And Lucas is too similar to NESS... one of them has to go, or they need to get very different moves.

Id like them to keep the main protagonists of their main franchises which they have plus bowers and just add 8-10 completely new characters, focusing mostly on fresh faces. Then in acouple months time when the smash hype dies down, release DLC packs (many months apart to eachother keep things fresh and give time to make them good and balenced) and make one pack a "Melee" pack and one a "Brawl" pack, bringing back characters from past games.

This would spread out development, focus on new content before reuniting us with old and make smash bros worth comming back to more frequaltly for longer, making for more online battles and single player questing when getting new characters.

( Edited 20.06.2013 21:58 by welshwuff )

Getting rid of a few of the "doubled up" characters is not a bad idea.

I hope they keep the more unique ones (Olimar, for example).

WarchieHeroes (guest) 20.06.2013#7

I like Wario & King Dedede to return in the new game, because they were my favorite greedy Villains/Anti-Heroes! Which includes Sega's mascot character, Sonic.

Characters like Lucario, Wolf and Toon Link to me are likely to be cut. Only time will tell but I'm sure we'll get some great new characters!

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I can't imagine Toon Link being removed... These days half of the Zelda games has 'him' in it. What I want is a unique moveset for him.

welshwuff said:
Id like them to keep the main protagonists of their main franchises which they have plus bowers and just add 8-10 completely new characters, focusing mostly on fresh faces. Then in acouple months time when the smash hype dies down, release DLC packs (many months apart to eachother keep things fresh and give time to make them good and balenced) and make one pack a "Melee" pack and one a "Brawl" pack, bringing back characters from past games.

This would spread out development, focus on new content before reuniting us with old and make smash bros worth comming back to more frequaltly for longer, making for more online battles and single player questing when getting new characters.

I'd be down for that. It'd be nice if you could buy individual characters, too. That kind of DLC would work well for a game like Smash Bros, I think. You certainly don't need those extra characters, but if you're fond of one or two characters you can add those to your selection.

( Edited 20.06.2013 23:20 by TAG )

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18
Scorp (guest) 20.06.2013#11

Cheesing it up said:
Getting rid of a few of the "doubled up" characters is not a bad idea.

I hope they keep the more unique ones (Olimar, for example).

Totally agree with that. And is it just the one new character?

Anyone noticed that Yoshi isn't confirmed? As one of the original 8 it would be weird to see him go.

Considering Earthbound's release i would say Ness is a likely character. 

I am more concerned about characters like Captain Falcon....i feel like Nintendo are going to kill off F-zero so might as well take out Captain Falcon.

I'm all up for more clones...whats the harm after all! 

Screw it...we all know this is Nintendo trying to get us to pay for DLC!

I'm confident the original 12 will be back. If any were gonna be dropped, we'd have seen Jiggly dropped in Brawl. She has absolutely no relevance anymore besides being a classic Smasher. Melee characters and especially Brawl characters are the ones to worry about.

Flynnie said:

Screw it...we all know this is Nintendo trying to get us to pay for DLC!

Not a chance. First of all Nintendo's policy on DLC is that they don't start really considering or working on DLC until after the game is finished, and they've also said they're not planning on doing DLC for SSB4 right now. Sakurai wants to make as complete a game as he can before he even considers it.

Considering the 3DS' cart limitations and such, I would say the chances of missing characters not coming back at all are higher than the chances of them coming back as DLC.

Also Smash has barely been in development a year and creating characters in fighting games is far more difficult and time consuming than most people realise. I just hope Sakurai has time to do what he wants to do with the game without working himself sick. Smilie

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Miya (guest) 21.06.2013#14

I want Ike, sonic, new other m samus, meta knight, toon link, and maybe solid snake to join but idk

Ikana said:
Smilie Well I guess this was inevitable... I just hope Lucas isn't cut, he was my Brawl main... I wouldn't mind if ROB and Wolf are gone... but I want Mewtwo back!

Lucas was my main character too, though I reckon it's pretty likely he will get cut. Like ROB and Lucario.

Krakz (guest) 21.06.2013#16

Don't cut Ganon....

Tailsdafox (guest) 21.06.2013#17

Ohhh lord.... you guys are talking about clonnes being removed and now im kinda scared........ If Luigi doesnt return I dont know WHAT ILL DO......

Tailsdafox (guest) said:
Ohhh lord.... you guys are talking about clonnes being removed and now im kinda scared........ If Luigi doesnt return I dont know WHAT ILL DO......

Luigi will definitely be back Smilie Miyamoto said at E3 that Luigi was his favourite Smasher afterall!

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origonalname112 (guest) 22.06.2013#19

I don't think anyone would miss ice climbers very much.

Tailsdafox (guest) 22.06.2013#20

You just made my day Smilie


SuperLink said:
I'm confident the original 12 will be back. If any were gonna be dropped, we'd have seen Jiggly dropped in Brawl. She has absolutely no relevance anymore besides being a classic Smasher. Melee characters and especially Brawl characters are the ones to worry about.

Flynnie said:

Screw it...we all know this is Nintendo trying to get us to pay for DLC!

Not a chance. First of all Nintendo's policy on DLC is that they don't start really considering or working on DLC until after the game is finished, and they've also said they're not planning on doing DLC for SSB4 right now. Sakurai wants to make as complete a game as he can before he even considers it.

Considering the 3DS' cart limitations and such, I would say the chances of missing characters not coming back at all are higher than the chances of them coming back as DLC.

Also Smash has barely been in development a year and creating characters in fighting games is far more difficult and time consuming than most people realise. I just hope Sakurai has time to do what he wants to do with the game without working himself sick. Smilie

And corporate companies never lie....

If anything i want a massive expansion to the roster! Currently playing Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations and the roster is huge, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 has a pretty huge roster as well!

I am gutted about this, even if characters were clones I wouldn't care! I wanted the whole Donkey Kong tribe (Tiny, King Krool etc etc) , Starfox's tribe with Peppy, Slippy and Krystal, more characters from Fire Emblem and characters from games like Xenoblade, Pandora's Tower, Raymond Bryce from (Disaster Day of Crisis) , Professor Layton, Pheonix Wright and more...

Now i feel its going to be a cut down roster...which will dissapoint millions...then Nintendo make it right by releasing them all on DLC for £1.99 a character. 

You'd be naive to think that they would cram as much in as possible and not hold stuff back from releasing it on DLC despite Sakurai's comments...

Flynnie said:

And corporate companies never lie....

Nintendo have yet to go back on their word in this aspect. I'll gladly eat my words if they do, but so far all the games they've released since introducing DLC have been complete packages on launch, with DLC being developed after the game was already released. Also, SSB4 has Harada working on it, and Harada is passionate about DLC never including game-changing things like characters and stages, hence Tekken Tag 2 (all character and stage dlc is free) and even Tekken Revolution, a free to play game where every character can be unlocked ingame if the player wishes. I'm fairly certain Sakurai would take that approach too, he's always always released games with far more content than necessary, I don't expect that to change. Just look at Meteos, Kirby's Air Ride and Kid Icarus: Uprising, those games could have been released with bare-bones arcade-type single player modes, but Sakurai packed each one to the complete brim with content that wasn't necessary but made the games seem filled with love and effort. That is how Sakurai makes games, it should be obvious by now.

If anything i want a massive expansion to the roster! Currently playing Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations and the roster is huge, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 has a pretty huge roster as well!

Now i feel its going to be a cut down roster...which will dissapoint millions...then Nintendo make it right by releasing them all on DLC for £1.99 a character. 

You'd be naive to think that they would cram as much in as possible and not hold stuff back from releasing it on DLC despite Sakurai's comments...

Everyone wants that, Sakurai knows this, but it's probably just not possible under his tasked circumstances.

The thing is, TTT2 was built off Tekken 6's engine, and Naruto is also built of the engine of predecessors. SSB4 is being built from ground up, all the characters are being rebuilt too. Character development, especially in fighting games, takes an insanely long time, which isn't surprising once you realise how long it took TTT2 to come out, and how it includes many characters who had missed tons of past Tekken games. Fighting games sequels not including all characters from previous versions aren't because th developers are assholes, it's because that's an extremely expensive and time-consuming process.

It's not naivety at all, it's simply understanding that game development is far more complex and time consuming than it sounds. What is naive is the assumption that it's possible to have a cast way bigger than Brawl's with only a 2 year dev-cycle, most properly-tested fighting games are in development far far longer.

SSB4 started development last year, I'm honestly shocked they plan on releasing it next year with all they want to put in it. If they wanted to put in a hugely expanded roster, don't expect to see it before 2015 at the very earliest. Unfortunately, since the game's in demand, that means Nintendo have given Sakurai a deadline and that means a hugely expanded roster won't be possible. Sakurai also said that characters were emitted from Brawl because there wasn't enough time to add them.

Sakurai is also dealing with a crippling hand illness and says that choosing a roster is extremely stressful. Many fans have even been tweeting wishes of encouragement and good luck to him. He's so human that I honestly don't believe he's that kind of "corporate liar", and despite all this stress he is determined to make the game a complete package. Plus, his story makes total sense once you know how tough fighting games are to develop.

( Edited 22.06.2013 20:05 by SuperLink )

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I just hope we're not screwed out of DLC this time. They can always add them after the release date if they really don't have enough time.

Remember when Sakurai said, "I don't think Wii can handle DLC" in regards to DLC support for Super Smash Bros. Brawl (I'm paraphrasing, of course)? And then came Wii games that supported DLC. *sigh*

( Edited 23.06.2013 21:03 by Agul )

Chance favors the prepared mind.
Smash Bro (guest) 19.07.2013#24

They would never get ride of:

Original smashers (Mario, Luigi, Kirby, Link, Samus, Ness, Pikachu, Fox, Captain Falcon, Yoshi,  Jigglypuff, or Donkey Kong)

Nintendo Icons (those listed above, plus Peach, Zelda, Bowser, Ganondorf)

Ganondorf will probably have a new moveset. He's a clone right now, but he's a holder of the triforce, there's no way LoZ staffers would only include two holders of the TRIforce. That's silly. Same goes for Falco, people like him, but he's basically fox. Only their standard B is notably different. Their final smash is the freaking same too.

Olimar and Pit have already been confirmed to be returning, too. I can't see them cutting Marth or Game and Watch after two appearances. If all of these characters are included, I won't miss anybody.

New characters are Wii Fit, Megaman, and Villager. Fans are calling for more sonic characters, but Sonic hasn't even been confirmed. I can't imagine getting Knuckles OR Tales, I think we would need to have both if we get either. Daisy and Rosalina have also been requested, but people point out their lack of potential movesets. If nintendo can make a moveset up for R.O.B., it's possible. Waluigi is also potential. We're bound to have another fire emblem character to accompany Marth.

Yoshi better be in this game! He's too popular to be rejected!!!

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