Nintendo continue the onslaught of new morsels of Pokémon news by confirming new details on the opening sections of Pokémon X and Pokémon Y.
The following may contain spoilers, so avert those Poké-eyes if you wish to play the upcoming games blind.
The game starts of in a place called Vaniville Town where players meet four new friends - Shauna, Tierno, Trevor and one more friend that's gender dependent: Serena (if a boy) or Calem (if a girl).

Shauna is the friendly/outgoing one, curious and energetic.Tierno is the dancer of the group, strong and light on his feet, wanting to incorporate Pokémon moves into his dances. Trevor is a brains of the foursome, competitive and wanting to be the first to complete his Pokédex.
Serena/Calem is your next door neighbour who has a passion to become a powerful Pokémon trainer.

Nintendo also confirmed the first Gym battle. The first Gym Leader will be a girl known as Viola, whom players learn about by meeting her older sister Alexa - a journalist working for a publisher in Lumiose City. Viola is a professional photographer whose gym is strung together with threads like spiderwebs. Players will need to navigate these webs to battle Viola.
Nintendo also announced more new critters this week - including new fairy type Flabébé, fire/normal type Litleo, bugs Scatterbug/Spewpa and flying type Vivillon.

Finally a gameplay trailer and new screens to satisfy those Pokémon hunger pangs!
What are your thoughts on the new Pokémon X and Pokémon Y friends?