E3 2013 | Debut Super Smash Bros. Wii U and 3DS Trailer Due at E3

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.06.2013 11

E3 2013 | Debut Super Smash Bros. Wii U and 3DS Trailer Due at E3 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The first screenshots for the next generation Super Smash Bros. were promised by Nintendo at E3, but the company will take things further with the debut trailer.

The next pair of Super Smash Bros. titles have been in development for some time, intended for release on both Nintendo Wii U and 3DS with cross-platform features. Teaming up with Namco Bandai, series producer Masahiro Sakurai and his team have been updating the concept to take advantage of the new control schemes and visuals offered by both consoles.

However players still know very little about Super Smash Bros. The usual suspects, Mario, Luigi, Link and Samus are a given, but what will the new game look like and how will Nintendo utilise the 3DS setup?

Sakurai took to twitter earlier today to confirm that a trailer for the game will be broadcast during the eagerly anticipated Nintendo Direct.

What are you hoping to see during the debut trailer for the next Super Smash Bros. game?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Bandai Namco







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I want lesser known characters to have a chance in the limelight. Aeron, Zael, Shulk and Kyle Hyde as playable characters. No tripping. Decent online. Characters well hidden in the game. I don't want to know the entire roster before hand.

DLC characters would be the addition I most want.

JayUK said:
I want lesser known characters to have a chance in the limelight. Aeron, Zael, Shulk and Kyle Hyde as playable characters. No tripping. Decent online. Characters well hidden in the game. I don't want to know the entire roster before hand.

DLC characters would be the addition I most want.

I agreed with you right up until the last...why DLC? I fucking hate how characters are now tacked on for an extra £1.50, sheesh gamers complain how expensive games are these days but are still asking for companies to water down the initial offering and milk their wallets with DLC!!

Brawl was able to have an extensive character and stage offering, there is no reason why this couldnt be included from the get go. Sadly, your wish will come true as the world has turned its head on logic and would rather pay for this in installments....

WWE 13 really really got to me by doing said things, paying £20 for the additional wrestlers etc! Thats a kick in the teeth for someone who would have paid £35-40 at launch! (Only an idiot would buy it on launch but the sentiment is the still the same).

They would make obscure characters DLC no doubt, and some i'd doubt i'd even care about...but imagine if you would have to start to pay for some tertiary characters? Bowser, Diddy Kong, Falco, Zelda, Ganondorf etc etc....then you'd feel a fool for wishing for DLC....

I'm not against it per se...I am just against them taking the 'THQ' approach and milking gamers for something they should have included in the game to start with!

Think I read somewhere that Sakurai hates on disc dlc or dlc that gets held back. I'd imagine if their was dlc it'd be an afterthought after the game comes out so I don't think we've got anything to worry about.

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Definitely looking forward to this, wary about Namco Bandai's involvement though.

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Anamal (guest) 07.06.2013#5

The characters that I would like to see making their debut is MegaMan X, Zero and Master Chief. I think it would be so cool to see those characters in the game because they are AWESOME characters in my opinion.

I really don't like this all DLC is bad attitude. We only get one Mario Kart and Smash Bros per generation. What's so wrong with getting your 32 tracks, and then having an extra 32 released over 2 years. It keeps the online active and in Smash Bros case means everyone gets to play as their favourite character. 

I don't suggest for a second Nintendo pull a Capcom and replace traditional unlockables with an unlock code that resembles your credit card number. 

JayUK said:
I really don't like this all DLC is bad attitude.

The problem is that a lot of game developers have abused DLC. Fortunately, Nintendo is not one of those companies and has done well with their DLC offerings.

christian (guest) 09.06.2013#8

yeh i agree.
I am looking forward to game too but i wish hal laboratory would make it instead of namco bandai

Sonic_13 said:
JayUK said:
I really don't like this all DLC is bad attitude.

The problem is that a lot of game developers have abused DLC. Fortunately, Nintendo is not one of those companies and has done well with their DLC offerings.

Spot on, I really get concerned that people are willing to spend more and more money on DLC. You already pay £40 for a game. I want them to cram in the content on the disc, I think that DLC gives way to them doing this less and less and we would be paying for additional content which otherwise would have been in the game.

Hopefully Nintendo won't abuse it!

Furry Fox Jet Pilot (guest) 10.06.2013#10

If Namco Bandai is
involved, they should definitely add some fighter pilots from the Ace Combat
series as characters, with their fighter jets as Final Smash attacks, if
those are still in the game. They should also add stages from Ace
Combat, where you fight on top of planes as they fight their way through
battlefields, or even a stage that takes place on top of the Arkbird
spacecraft from Ace Combat 5 and a stage that takes place on the SOLG
satellite that is crashing down through the atmosphere. I would also
love to see Krystal from Starfox and Tails from Sonic the Hedgehog in
the game. But they have to include at least
one Ace Combat character, dammit, that's one of Namco Bandai's biggest
franchises, and obviously their best. Ace Combat needs to be represented in this next Smash Bros., so all Ace Combat fans, spread the word and comment on every single Smash Bros. 4 article you can find, suggest it to the developers, even get in touch with Project Aces and share the idea with them.

( Edited 10.06.2013 21:08 by Adam Riley )

Twy (guest) 11.06.2013#11

I want a dynamic play style, this has already been seen in the previous games, but I've seen countless times in articles that Masahiro Sakurai intends to improve heavily on the aspect of play and concept, so much so that the increase of characters will be limited. If that is the case, so be it, but it's then that I would like to see a well managed and efficient improvement to gameplay that tends to both the nostalgic fan-base's obvious needs as well as inevitable new sights and chapters. Furthermore, I think all SSB fans like myself deserve a responsive, impressive online multiplayer seeing as that is the era we live in and we have been waiting all too long for that exact additional trait. Lastly, I have heard speculation on a "create your own character" system that may be associated with the 3DS and solo SSB gameplay and although i see this as kindof a far stretch for the series, it definitely brings me excitement to see the progression on that, if that. And then, of course, bring on the classic Super Smash Brothers love we all enjoy and maybe toss us a few awesome new pokeballs and assist trophies along with the new levels and characters XD make it legit. They do this, and myself and many others I know will be beyond satisfied. 

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