Nintendo Announce Wii Rechargeable Battery Pack

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.05.2013 6

Nintendo Announce Wii Rechargeable Battery Pack on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Electric juice ahoy! Nintendo has finally announced an official Wii remote battery pack and charger, plus a bigger GamePad battery.

In a series of new hardware announcements today, including a White Wii U Premium bundle, Nintendo of Japan has confirmed the release of a Wii remote battery pack, plus a nifty charging cradle. The pack slots into a new custom Wii remote silicon sleeve and sits nicely in the charging cradle.

Image for Nintendo Announce Wii Rechargeable Battery Pack

Those wanting extra juice on the GamePad controller can also pick up a 2500 mAh battery for those extended sessions.

No word on a Western release yet, but these are very likely to make an appearance at some point given a recent consumer survey.

Would you buy official rechargeable battery packs for your Wii remotes?

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Our member of the week

Would definitely make the purchase myself. Charging cradles are very convenient indeed. I hope they make those battery packs and charging cradles in different colours too because the black won't suit very well my white remotes.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

We really should be having induction charged plates by now though. Its 2013! [/tech snob] <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I really do think they should have 1 Wii remote bundled with  the Wii U and a charging pod for it aswell. Rechargable battery should have been released years ago.

Depending on price, I would probably consider picking up at least one.

The current rechargeable AA batteries that I've been seem to be reaching the end of their lifespan as they don't hold nearly as much charge as they used to.

Darkflame said:
We really should be having induction charged plates by now though. Its 2013! [/tech snob]
Probably a cost issue more than anything else.

( Edited 30.05.2013 16:47 by Sonic_13 )

RopeGro (guest) 30.05.2013#5

I would pay $20 max for this, no more. I use batteries (2500 mah) from eBay and these are a godsend, so it has to be well priced but I can't see Nintendo stocking these for less than $30 because of the cradle thing.

What's the weight of this new Gamepad battery pack?? I don't want my Upad to become much heavier!!!

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