Game Freak to Host Pokémon X / Y E3 Developer Roundtable

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.05.2013 3

Game Freak to Host Pokémon X / Y E3 Developer Roundtable on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Pokémon X and Pokémon Y will be highlighted at this year's E3 in a dedicated developer roundtable with Game Freak.

The folks who created all the mainline Pokémon titles from Red/Blue to X & Y are releasing their latest generation of critters into the world this October. The event will be held shortly after Nintendo's E3 Nintendo Direct presentation on 11 June with details from The Pokémon Company CEO Tsunekazu Ishihara and Game Freak director Junichi Masuda, together with various members of the development team.

The developer roundtable won't be streamed, but there will likely be a full recap and possible recording after the event.

What are you hoping for from Game Freak and the new Pokémon X and Pokémon Y titles?

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mesih (guest) 26.05.2013#1

that you can travel to the other regions

Quillie (guest) 30.05.2013#2

More of the pokemon and clearing up these rumors that have been flying around. 

Anon (guest) 09.08.2013#3

no, 'cause it steals the idea from Digimon

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