Yakuza Nintendo Wii U Compared with PS3 Edition

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.05.2013 5

Yakuza Nintendo Wii U Compared with PS3 Edition on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

During Nintendo Direct last week SEGA confirmed that the Yakuza series would be available on Wii U in HD form, but does it live up to the PS3 edition?

Last year SEGA released the same collection, Yakuza 1 & 2 HD Edition, on PlayStation 3. Since the Wii U announcement, new screenshots have emerged online and have been contrasted with the PS3 edition. The verdict? The Wii U edition lacks the same level of detail and is slightly jagged in appearance.

However the differences shouldn't indicate the capabilities of the console, more so development/developer optimisation. With several months to go, SEGA could and will likely tune up the Wii U edition to its full potential, but things are looking slightly rough from the outset as compared by Kotaku.

Image for Yakuza Nintendo Wii U Compared with PS3 Edition

Image for Yakuza Nintendo Wii U Compared with PS3 Edition

Comparisions aside, SEGA have released some official snaps of the Wii U edition in action:

Image for Yakuza Nintendo Wii U Compared with PS3 Edition
Image for Yakuza Nintendo Wii U Compared with PS3 Edition
Image for Yakuza Nintendo Wii U Compared with PS3 Edition

What do you think of the Wii U version of Yakuza 1 & 2 HD Edition?

Box art for Ryu ga Gotoku 1 & 2 HD for Wii U
Also known as

Yakuza 1 & 2 HD for Wii U









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Remember that this are only test builds, first they need to implement the mechanics, then they will focus on the textures.

Why am I not surprised that people are already comparing, and criticizing the look of, an in development Wii U game with a polished and released version?

Howls (guest) 22.05.2013#3

Looks like crap, my PS Vita could do better!

Howls (guest) said:
Looks like crap, my PS Vita could do better!
 Fanboy, lol.

Felippo (guest) 23.05.2013#5

Yay, PS2 games on Wii U. I like how they're keeping it muddy. 

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