This is what Zelda: Twilight Princess Looks Like with Skyward Sword Graphics

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.05.2013 7

This is what Zelda: Twilight Princess Looks Like with Skyward Sword Graphics on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A dedicated fan has started to re-texture The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess with a Skyward Sword feel.

The Legend of Zelda is one of those franchises that Nintendo have tweaked the visual feel with over the years. From murky, darker and more saturated feel to the bright, vivid painted look, the series has gone through many different guises.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess adopted a grittier feel compared to The Wind Waker and followed on nicely from Nintendo 64 classic, Majora's Mask. However the follow-up, Skyward Sword, again took the series to a new direction.

Image for This is what Zelda: Twilight Princess Looks Like with Skyward Sword Graphics

Image for This is what Zelda: Twilight Princess Looks Like with Skyward Sword Graphics

What if Twilight Princess looked like Skyward Sword? By replacing the textures and interface in the game, by way of the Dolphin Emulator, players will be able to play through with a very different look indeed.

Creator, GBA Temp member disbala, has released some development screens which have transformed Faron Woods to how they looked many moons ago in Skyward Sword.

Image for This is what Zelda: Twilight Princess Looks Like with Skyward Sword Graphics

What do you think of the design - can Twilight Princess work with Skyward Sword assets?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess





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I loved Twilight Princess, but I like it even better with the bright look of Skyward Sword!

heywes (guest) 06.05.2013#2

Holy crap. That looks beautiful. Can't say I was expecting that.

Looks pretty darn good, a lot of work seems to have gone into it so far. Really looking forward to seeing how he tackles the overworld, moblins etc

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Looks really cool! I always did like the visuals of Skyward Sword.

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It looks nice, and it's really impressive for a fan work. But it doesn't match the tone of the game at all. 

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

Yeah, this style just doesn't suit the game. I now also notice how much prettier SS is even without the graphical effect. Everything is so much rounder and more detailed than in TP.

Hmmmm, I wonder how he's gonna pull of the twilight world. Looks sweet though.

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