Phineas and Ferb Undertake a Quest for Cool Stuff

By Javier Jimenez 28.04.2013

Phineas and Ferb Undertake a Quest for Cool Stuff on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Phineas and Ferb of Disney fame are taking off on a quest for all the cool stuffs, this summer. Majesco has announced a slew of games across most platforms, including 3DS, DS, Wii, and Wii U, as well as Xbox 360. PaF QfCS appears to be a sidescrolling action game with a wide variety of gameplay types, as shown in the screens.

Image for Phineas and Ferb Undertake a Quest for Cool Stuff

Players can play as Phineas, Ferb and Perry/Agent P. The game will also feature a character switch mechanic for Phineas and Ferb, ostensibly as each will solve different puzzles. With Perry/Agent P, a "Viewtiful Joe" type of mechanic is employed. As you play through the game you can build and upgrade your All-Terrain Transformatron Vehicle, as well.

Image for Phineas and Ferb Undertake a Quest for Cool Stuff

The graphics look pretty decent for this sort of game, and it seems to have more thoughtful gameplay design than most licensed titles. So, if you grew up watching the lads, keep an eye on this one!

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