Fan Imagines Steampunk Legend of Zelda Concept Starring Zelda

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.04.2013 16

Fan Imagines Steampunk Legend of Zelda Concept Starring Zelda on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Swapping gender roles in games has taken a prominent place in discussion recently, and one artist has tackled The Legend of Zelda. We've seen the peaceful princess rescue Link in a pixel palette swap, but how about Zelda taking on the role of protagonist in a completely new game?

A fan Steampunk concept by Dresdencodak, known as The Legend of Zelda: Clockwork Empire answers that age old question, "is Zelda the hero"? by giving her an elemental gauntlet glove and the Master Sword.

In this universe, set 2000 years after Twilight Princess, we have Prince Link as the "noble by naive" heir to the throne of the land of Calatia. The chief advisor to the throne, Ganondorf, has used sorcery to turn Calatia into a military empire and has learned the legendary Triforce may be more than a myth. He's now sent his clockwork armies to war.

Zelda is now a Battle-Mage adopted by the Sheika people and is separated from her family, uncovering that she is a Hylian and possesses the gift of sorcery. Zelda sets out to rescue her family, free the people of Calatia and uncover the secrets of Hyrule.

Image for Fan Imagines Steampunk Legend of Zelda Concept Starring Zelda

Dresdencodak has also tweaked combat, taking on a more acrobatic approach, sword in hand and magic in the other , without a shield. She would also be able to wear different outfits, each with their own advantages and drawbacks for a more dynamic approach to equipment.

For more on the concept, visit Dresdencodak's Tumblr.Thanks to C3 reader Darkflame for the tip.

What do you think of the The Legend of Zelda: Clockwork Empire - would you like to play as the role of Zelda for a change?

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Nintendo seriously need to get on board with some of these ideas starring a protagonist Zelda. The series and heck the industry in general could really do with a shake up of that variety, and the whole idea of a damsel in distress is becoming more and more dated and archaic, especially after we've seen Zelda in a much more "supposedly" powerful role in recent games.

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SuperLink said:
Nintendo seriously need to get on board with some of these ideas starring a protagonist Zelda. The series and heck the industry in general could really do with a shake up of that variety, and the whole idea of a damsel in distress is becoming more and more dated and archaic, especially after we've seen Zelda in a much more "supposedly" powerful role in recent games.

Couldn't agree more. When I first saw the art for Princess Zelda from TP carrying a sword, I thought that may have been a hint that we'd use her at some point in the game. I love Zelda but it's become too typical. Her having a more hands-on role alongside Link would be a real nice change.

I love the idea of a 2D adventure throwback where you control an ordinary heroine and go on to rescue the prince of the land, though! Essentially switch Link and Zelda's roles around - so simple but I don't really know of any games like that.

I like the above artwork and ideas but Zelda looks a little masculine for my liking. I couldn't tell it was a girl from looking at it.

Really neat concept and sounds a lot more refreshing even if Zelda wasn't protagonist - like the sounds of the hidden away villages, a lost Hyrule etc. The lack of shield and reliance on elemental powers also seems intriguing. 

Really hope Nintendo take an approach like this and make the next Zelda a bit more raw and less "3 stones / plot twist / 5 more / end boss". Want Link to have more NPC involvement, helping him along the way, more dynamic dialogue. I want to be able to believe the world we play in. It's hard to become attached to Zelda games because they've become a little too predictable and flat.

I like the above artwork and ideas but Zelda looks a little masculine for my liking. I couldn't tell it was a girl from looking at it.

I know what you're after Smilie

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I think Nintendo are starting to move away from the whole Damsel in Distress thing, albeit gradually, if the recent games are anything to go by. True, rescuing Zelda is usually the end goal, but in Spirit Tracks she was right there alongside you as a companion and became essential for progression. In Twilight Princess the end goal becomes more saving Hyrule than Zelda since you presume she's already gone, and in Skyward Sword although she is the main motivation, the game's characterisation moves away from saving her for a noble cause to a personal one.

I can't see them making Zelda a main character again anytime soon while the CDi games are still fresh in people's minds (especially considering every game in the main series has allowed you to rename your character; would you be able to do that with the namesake character?), but they do seem to be moving away from past tropes. 

( Edited 12.04.2013 17:36 by Phoenom )

Phoenom said:
I can't see them making Zelda a main character again anytime soon while the CDi games are still fresh in people's minds, but they do seem to be moving away from past tropes. 

People are never gonna forget that considering the internet was what made it popular in the first place Smilie CDi references are all over Miiverse.

If they use CDi as a reason to not have Zelda as a protag then don't expect to see a Zelda protag ever because I think people will never stop making "I'M SO HUNGRY I COULD EAT AN OCTOROK" jokes Smilie

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I've been talking about a Zelda where you could play as Zelda for years =p

Spirit Tracks lets you do that to a certain extent. These are nice art pieces, though I don't like "prince link" at all. I think it'd make an interesting game.

I don't like Prince Link either, I wouldn't mind if Zelda saved a Prince, but she needs to be a warrior princess rather than a citizen, it is a name reserved for Hyrule's family after all.

I think playing a game from the pov of a princess as the protagonist would be really interesting and original, especially for what it could offer to the plot. We've seen the hero rising from nowhere many times in the genre, how about a well-known ruler proving themselves as a hero, even from the shadows?

There's so many good ideas for the Zelda series.

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" how about a well-known ruler proving themselves as a hero, even from the shadows?"

Ocarina of Time already did that.
Really Zelda hasn't truly been a damsel for a long time.
Its more about making her a protagonist thats new here.

I loved a lot of the concepts at work here. The twilight magic sounds particularly cool.
Teleporting from shadow to shadow? awesome stuff.
(also, I love midna, so anything to get her back Smilie )

My only change would be that Zelda should keep her bow as a primary weapon, going so far as you start with the bow and only get the sword quite a bit in.

( Edited 12.04.2013 21:19 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Interesting art style, but I doubt Nintendo would go for a brooding look Zelda is sporting in the concept art shots. Still this would be an interesting & new take on the series.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Would really mix things up a bit I mean lets face it, the new Zelda games while good fun are getting a bit stale. I'd like some form of air combat in the next Zelda game. Love the concept drawings but I don't like the idea of Link being a prince xD

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kingdom (guest) 15.04.2013#11

[quote/] (especially considering every game in the main series has allowed you to rename your character; would you be able to do that with the namesake character?)

She just has to find out that she's a descendent of the house of zelda, it's 2000 years later.

Guys what about tetra. She was a a badass pirate ffs.

kingdom (guest) said:
Guys what about tetra. She was a a badass pirate ffs.

Yeah a "badass pirate" who was canonically whitewashed and turned into a helpless damsel with a totally different personality.

"Character development".

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DP (guest) 04.07.2013#13

I came across this concept 'pitch' several months ago, and I have to say that i loved the whole idea that Dresdencodak puts forward. A more solemn Zelda, that has lived a life outside a castle and has had to 'fight' to live. Link gets the flip-side, living in politics and propriety, and has to learn how to step up in order to be a good King. AHHHH, so refreshing~

If you go look at the full concept on tumblr, it goes into a lot more stuff about combat and such, and Zelda would have a wide variety of weaponry available, including a bow. Smilie

Legend of Zelda games haven't grabbed me like they used to lately, but I would play the shit out of this game. xD

Coaleman (guest) 29.03.2014#14

Well, in the recent games (excluding SW) Zelda is not a damsel in distress. She is just a leader, and Link is her pawn. Tho I think more Tetra/Sheik type aliases would give the effect you are asking for.

Crazyman14 (guest) 15.10.2014#15

I would totally be up for a steam-punk Zelda, as well as Zelda herself to be the protagonist. Or hell, even a female Link (we seriously need a Heroine of Time, if you ask me).

To me, just the idea of having a steam-punk Zelda game is a rather unique one. I mean, to see this fantasy world become more technological and updated would at least be intriguing. It may never happen, but from the upcoming Zelda U game, the series maybe trying to dabble in a more modern feel.

The would has been getting more technical though, thats sort of been happening already.
Elements of steam punk mixed with magic tech, but certainly theres more tech in TP then Ocarina and I think a little more in SS then TP.


 "fantasy world become more technological and updated would at least be intriguing."

You should read Discworld - thats more or less the last 2 decades of books Smilie <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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