Nintendo Announces Super Mario Bros. AR Cards

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.04.2013 3

Nintendo Announces Super Mario Bros. AR Cards on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

During the latest Nintendo Direct presentation company president Satoru Iwata revealed a new Super Mario Bros AR app for 3DS.

Due for release on April 23rd, players will be able to purchase specially made AR cards themed with the likes of Mario, Princess Peach, Goomba and other Mushroom Kingdom celebrities.

Image for Nintendo Announces Super Mario Bros. AR Cards

Made by the folk who put together Super Mario Galaxy and the more recent Super Mario 3D Land, the downloadable eShop app will allow you to view and control Nintendo characters in 3D space, and when more than one card is active, communicate between each other.

Peach recoils in fear if a Goomba appears, and Mario pounces on its head. You'll also be able to drag and drop the characters away from their AR cards, positioning them in a range of bizzare situations. Water down Princess Peach, pop Mario atop a cactus or giving Bowser a little heat up his bottom?

Image for Nintendo Announces Super Mario Bros. AR Cards

The cards will be available at different prices, from 1000 Yen (£7/$10/€8) for Goomba to 3000 Yen (£21/$32/€25) for Princess Peach and Bowser.

Footage starts from the 8 minute mark:


What do you think of the Super Mario Bros AR concept? Would you pay these prices for Mario themed cards?

Box art for Photos with Mario








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European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date None   

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They are a cute incentive and would encourage digital downloads over buying a physical copy, in terms of where the game industry is going it's a smart move to push digital. that said, someone like myself who loves buying physical copies would only use the digital cards for digital only titles, but im also a sucker for collecting this sort of thing, so i would probably never use the £80+ in digital money it would cost to get a full set, although it does say in the video the points can be used for the WiiU as well so it can be spread out over the two. It's a nice incentive for sure, but not a good way if someone intended to go and get them all. If thise goes over seas i'd much rather just sold the app on a retail card with all the cards packaged in a booster pack for like £10ish without any eshop credit at all.

Sounds cool. Isn't it going to be incredibly easy for someone to just scan the AR cards, so others can print and use them? Smilie

EDIT: Ah, I only just saw the video, so the QR codes with the cards activate the app?

( Edited 01.04.2013 15:11 by Ikana )

Derek (guest) 25.05.2013#3

I'd pay a high amount of money to have these types of AR cards, especially the Bowser one! I just hope they release them for North America and also for Club Nintendo Platinum reward members too! Pleeeaaase! 

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