Latest Nintendo Direct Looks at 3DS eShop Titles and AR Mario Cards

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.04.2013

Latest Nintendo Direct Looks at 3DS eShop Titles and AR Mario Cards on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo of Japan talked eShop downloadable titles and Mario AR cards in the latest Nintendo Direct video.

Airing on March 31st in Japan, the short presentation delved into upcoming download-only games including an extended look at the eagerly anticipated  Dillon's Rolling Western: The Last Ranger and the quirky Freakyforms Deluxe.

Nintendo will also be releasing themed download cards for both these games at retailers. simply scratch off the back panel and download, plus the option to purchase codes online. The move might likely spark discounts and competitive pricing for download/digital releases amongst traditional and online retail.

Image for Latest Nintendo Direct Looks at 3DS eShop Titles and AR Mario Cards

Finally, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata wrapped up proceedings by announcing Super Mario Bros themed AR cards, together with an app created by the Super Mario Galaxy/3D Mario studio. For varying prices, players can purchase their favourite characters from the Mario universe, viewing and controlling them in the AR environment.


What do you think of the Nintendo 3DS eShop shown during the latest Nintendo Direct.

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