UK Wii U Sales Rise 125% Confirmed in Latest MCV

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.03.2013 7

UK Wii U Sales Rise 125% Confirmed in Latest MCV on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The front page of the latest edition of industry newspaper MCV has revealed a leap in UK Wii U sales over the last week.

A fair few headlines have soiled the initial success of the Nintendo Wii U's initially solid launch performance, citing retailer reports of continually weak sales and lack of consumer awareness. However, some good news this week as retailers told MCV that sales rose by "almost 125 per cent last week" across the country.

Image for UK Wii U Sales Rise 125% Confirmed in Latest MCVThe sudden rise was attributed to "Monster Hunter's launch, plus HMV cutting the price of the Premium SKU by £140". With a big release like Monster Hunter helping push sales of the Wii U, let's hope those top tier franchises continue to boost the profile of the system.

Where you one of those who bought a Wii U in the last week - can titles like Monster Hunter turn the Wii U fortunes around in the UK?

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It comes down to games. It's ridiculous how many people don't seem to get that.

Sonic_13 said:
It comes down to games. It's ridiculous how Nintendo don't seem to get that.

Fixed that for you....

Adam (guest) 29.03.2013#3

It comes down to games. It's ridiculous how Third party developers don't seem to get that. Fixed that for u...

Flynnie said:
Sonic_13 said:
It comes down to games. It's ridiculous how people don't seem to get that.

Fixed that for you....

My statement doesn't need fixing.

I bought mine at HMV. Monster Hunter had nothing to do with it, the price did.

Ben Carter (guest) 29.03.2013#6

I kind of like Monster Hunter, but have no real desire for a WiiU but seeing it for cheaper than a PSVITA in HMV... it is tempting!

Flynnie said:
Sonic_13 said:
It comes down to games. It's ridiculous how Nintendo don't seem to get that.

Fixed that for you....

Yeah, I think people get it. I mean, that's the whole reason that people aren't buying the Wii U. People understand for the most part that no games = no sale.

It's Nintendo who's still trying to sell us something that doesn't have anything to play. That said, Monster Hunter is a step in the right direction, and hopefully the rest of the year's releases will have a similar impact on reviving hardware sales.

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