Deus Ex: Human Revolution Now Official - First Wii U Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.03.2013 9

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Now Official - First Wii U Screens on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

After being leaked earlier this week, Square Enix has officially confirmed Deus Ex: Human Revolution for Wii U.

The Director's Cut will aim to be the "definitive version of the critically acclaimed action-RPG title", featuring various tools on the GamePad like map editing, screen hacking, sniping and other neural hub enhancements. There'll also be in-depth Miiverse integration and access to in-game developer guides.

GamePad aside, the development team have worked on the  game's AI, tweaked the visuals and added chapters into the game for a seamless narrative. Boss fights are also a highlight of the Wii U version, overhauled for this release.

Image for Deus Ex: Human Revolution Now Official - First Wii U Screens
Image for Deus Ex: Human Revolution Now Official - First Wii U Screens
Image for Deus Ex: Human Revolution Now Official - First Wii U Screens

Will you be tapping into Deus Ex on Wii U? What do you think of this enhanced port?

Box art for Deus Ex: Human Revolution



Square Enix





C3 Score

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AI changes and improved bosses sound very welcome after having played the original on PC. Whether it's enough to tempt those that haven't played it, remains to be seen.

The PC version has a Meta score of 90


It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
Boneman (guest) 20.03.2013#3

Anyone else notice that ever since the launch, ports have been getting better? I was hearing about how they were worse (Framerate, slowdown, etc.) But now it seems the Wii U is getting the best version of each game now.

Never played this game before, but heard about it last year and watched videos on Youtube. I thought it would have worked great on Wii U. Now Square Enix is answering my wishes

Hope it has pro controller support like ME3

Nintendoro (guest) 20.03.2013#6

That map on gamepad is bloody SPOT ON. Played this game on 360. Will gladly do it on my Wii U.

Hell-to-the-YEAH. \m/ Day one purchase for me. Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Boneman (guest) said:
Anyone else notice that ever since the launch, ports have been getting better? I was hearing about how they were worse (Framerate, slowdown, etc.) But now it seems the Wii U is getting the best version of each game now.

With some games, the stories (or really rumors) about slowdown and framerate issues were either largely overblown or downright false.

I didn't play this on my 360, though I was planning to at some point. Looks like I'll be getting the better version for my WiiU now! 

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

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