Project Cars Developer Comments on Nintendo Wii U Version

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.03.2013 4

Project Cars Developer Comments on Nintendo Wii U Version on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It's car heaven for racing fans, and Wii U players are in for a visual treat according to Project Cars developer Slightly Mad Studios.

Speaking to Now Gamer, Creative Director Andy Tudor noted how the Wii U version will "look and feel amazing and you'll want to show it off to your friends". The team are aiming for native 720p output and a fulid 30ps on the Nintendo Wii U.

There'll be a variety of GamePad specific features as well, according to Tudor.

We always prefer to aim for 30fps generally in order to keep gameplay-specific features like having more cars on track or better weather effects etc.

So that's standard across all consoles, and we're more likely to utilize the native 720p support of the Wii U for launch especially since our physics and rendering systems demand a lot of processing power in order to deliver a truly next-gen experience.

Image for Project Cars Developer Comments on Nintendo Wii U Version

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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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Our member of the week

It'd be good to some more videos that would show how the game is when it's actually being played, rather than tech videos that are simply meant to show what the game looks like but don't give any hint at how good the gameplay might be.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
It'd be good to some more videos that would show how the game is when it's actually being played, rather than tech videos that are simply meant to show what the game looks like but don't give any hint at how good the gameplay might be.

I asked the studio for some footage - here we go:


Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
RudyC3 said:
It'd be good to some more videos that would show how the game is when it's actually being played, rather than tech videos that are simply meant to show what the game looks like but don't give any hint at how good the gameplay might be.

I asked the studio for some footage - here we go:


WOW! That footage looks so realistic, can't wait to play this game. Definitely now I know you can drive around in a Reliant.

Wait a minute... that guy kinda looks like Rodney from Only Fools and Horses!

Well it's good to hear there are some devs out there who value art & morals when developing games. I just hope more devs who make great racing games *cough*FireBrand Games *cough* show Nintendo more love since I LOVE racing games as well as RPGs, twitch action games like Ninja Gaiden & Bayonetta as well as fighters like Street Fighter, DOA, Smash Bros., Soulcalibur ect.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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