Dead Island Riptide Skipping Nintendo Wii U Due to Game Engine Issues

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.03.2013 3

Dead Island Riptide Skipping Nintendo Wii U Due to Game Engine Issues on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The next chapter in the Dead Island series won't be coming to Nintendo Wii U for the moment due to additional work on the game engine.

Pitched as a spin-off to the original Dead Island, Riptide is a sequel/expansion, taking place after the events of the first game as four survivors end up on a zombie tarnished island of Palanai.

The game is heading to PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, but currently isn't planned for Nintendo Wii U.

Speaking to DigitalSpy earlier this week, producer Alexander Toplansky explained that the studio would have to work to adapt the engine to Nintendo's new system - to either "really get to be integrating it deep into the engine, or you've got to do a port."

Whilst developer Techland isn't ruling out a Wii U release in the future, "there are no plans for the moment".

What do you think of the news - would you buy Dead Island Riptide on the Nintendo Wii U?

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I am seeing a trend here. Everyday I wake up and another news article says "Not for Wii U!" It is getting so annoying.

All hail the Chain Chomp at GS FORUMS!

After DICE I'm more concerned about games which are due to go into development very soon, not coming to Wii U.

Yienwae (guest) 18.03.2013#3

I would not buy it.  But I am sure that if it did come out for the U, there is a fan base that would. 

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