Custom Button Layouts for Nintendo Wii U Virtual Console Titles

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.01.2013 2

Custom Button Layouts for Nintendo Wii U Virtual Console Titles on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Those who fancy mixing up control schemes on the Nintendo Wii U can tweak button mappings for Virtual Console games.

Nintendo announced plans to roll out a spruced up Virtual Console service in the Spring, but have started to trickle out 30p/30 cent games as part of the 30th Anniversary of the NES.

Are you not content with the button layout on your Wii U controller? Virtual Console games can be mapped to different buttons, so if you fancy mixing up A or B or assigning a shoulder button, it can certainly be done - as tweeted by NeoGAF chap Cheesemeister3k.

It's uncertain whether it would be a system-wide feature or limited to selected titles, but any form of customisation is certainly a good'un.

Image for Custom Button Layouts for Nintendo Wii U Virtual Console Titles

Will you be mixing it up with your Virtual Console games on Nintendo Wii U or sticking to the original formations?

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More options is always a good thing. What I love the most is Pro Controller support. Best Pad in years. Smilie

Sounds like something I'll use a lot!

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