Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Sequel for Nintendo Wii U? No Chance

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.01.2013 5

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Sequel for Nintendo Wii U? No Chance on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Head of Konami's UK Studio and Producer of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow series Dave Cox was recently quizzed on Twitter if the Wii U would receive the upcoming sequel Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2.

Nintendo's portable, the 3DS, is receiving it's own exclusive Lords of Shadow entry from developer MercuryStream this March, so a Wii U version of Lords of Shadow 2 should, in theory, make sense.

Cox replied to the request with "Sorry to disappoint you but no chance." So unless the studio or the higher-ups at Konami reconsider, Nintendo players wanting a slice of Castlevania will have to opt for the Nintendo 3DS version.

What do you think of the news - are you a Castlevania fan?

Box art for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate

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And the WiiU misses out on yet another multiplatform release.

This is getting ridiculous, nothing's changed.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Really not looking good considering the 3DS is getting an entry in the series. Seriously, Nintendo need to throw some money at people, pronto. Almost each week we get third party titles denied.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Almost each week we get third party titles denied.

Yeah wow you're right, it seriously happens at least once a week.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

3rd party support wont come until there's a market there. There wont be a market there until Nintendo shows why people should get a Wii U over a PS3/360(at a fraction of the price). They need games that show that the console is truly next Gen. So far they've got Nintendoland and Mario Bros U which both look like they could quite easily run on the Wii let alone a PS4. What have they got on the horizon Game and Wario which again looks like it could run on the Wii and Pikmin 3 which we know started life as a Wii game.

They need something with some oomph before Sony and Microsoft get to the party with their next gen offerings.

Dajaco (guest) 09.01.2013#5

Retro Studios are working not only on a big new game to showcase wii-U , but more importantly - and engine built for it from the ground up - this and their familiarity with optimising similar architectures.. I'd say this could yield some of the games it needs if Nintendo play nice with 3rd parties and supply this engine / tools. 

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