New Details on Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.12.2012 9

New Details on Luigi

A recent preview of Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon highlights some of the new features in store for everyone's favourite ghost hunter.

The quirky sidekick of the Mushroom Kingdom, Luigi, is back with his vacuum to rid various mansions of ghosts, ghouls and so a little spring cleaning in the process.

Combat is said to be far more diverse this time, with certain ghosts wearing sunglasses for protection, others vanishing quicker than normal. Puzzles and level design has also gotten a sprinkling of added detail and design, there's a strong mission based structure, vacuum upgrades and a new "Dark-Light" attachment to uncover hidden secrets.

Image for New Details on Luigi

Rather than a fairly straightforward experience like the original, Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon is more open - a string of winding rooms, enemies and puzzles lead you to your goal.

Box art for Luigi's Mansion 2
Also known as

Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon


Next Level




Action Adventure



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (3 Votes)

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I can't wait for this game. Loved the first one!

( Edited 19.12.2012 02:25 by Sonic_13 )

All the added spins sound great on paper. I hope the execution isn't too much of a departure from the original to retain its charm and accessibility.

I'm very excited for this game, and I hope it can solidify the series in one way or another. 

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Do a Barrel Roll!<

While I loved the original for what it was, I'm happy that the "combat" in this game will be more fleshed out. Unless all the previews I've seen are completely off and the overall game doesn't deliver, this is going to be a fantastic game! Smilie

Our member of the week

I worry about the gameplay and how it'll work without a second joystick, or whether it'll support the circle pad pro at all

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
I worry about the gameplay and how it'll work without a second joystick, or whether it'll support the circle pad pro at all

Wouldn't you think that it would be the first thing to be mentioned in previews such as IGN's in this case, if it was really a big issue?

When I played it, you instantly want to have your right thumb on that second control stick, since the dual sticks worked so perfectly together, originally. It takes just a small learning curve to get used to the new format, but it works well considering the setback. No doubt that CPP support would be a bonus, and I'm a little surprised they haven't announced that, but it's not too much of a problem. The GC setup is definitely the ultimate method, but the workaround in LM2 works fine.

Our member of the week

SirLink said:
RudyC3 said:
I worry about the gameplay and how it'll work without a second joystick, or whether it'll support the circle pad pro at all

Wouldn't you think that it would be the first thing to be mentioned in previews such as IGN's in this case, if it was really a big issue?

What IGN might not see as an issue for them and consider not worth mentioning might be an issue for me. I'm a weird dude... For one thing I have tiny hands so some gameplay setups feel more cramped for me than they do for others (see Kid Icarus Uprising -_- ...)

( Edited 19.12.2012 10:27 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
SirLink said:
RudyC3 said:
I worry about the gameplay and how it'll work without a second joystick, or whether it'll support the circle pad pro at all

Wouldn't you think that it would be the first thing to be mentioned in previews such as IGN's in this case, if it was really a big issue?

What IGN might not see as an issue for them and consider not worth mentioning might be an issue for me. I'm a weird dude... For one thing I have tiny hands so some gameplay setups feel more cramped for me than they do for others (see Kid Icarus Uprising -_- ...)

Well, to be fair, problems with KI: Uprising's control setup weren't all that uncommon. I actually have tiny hands too and long fingers in comparison. Luckily I've never had any problems before, though the Wii U GamePad isn't quite as comfortable for me because my thumb is too long and I have to bend it a lot to reach YBA with my fingertip, assuming I want my fingers on all 4 shoulder buttons. Not a big deal, but yeah, it's unfortunate that some setups can't be perfect for everyone.

SirLink said:
Not a big deal, but yeah, it's unfortunate that some setups can't be perfect for everyone.

As soon as someone comes into the world that can please everyone, that person will be seen as a God amongst men. It is pretty damn near impossible to satisfy everyone, even with multiple control methods.

Going back to the game itself, I only ever played the first one briefly and whilst I liked it quite a bit, the sequel looks a hell of a lot better. Can't wait to finally try it out. Hopefully the extended development time makes the game shine.

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