Android Tablet Clones Original Wii U GamePad Design

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.12.2012 5

Android Tablet Clones Original Wii U GamePad Design on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It was only a matter of time, but one Chinese electronics manufacturer has announced a clearly Wii U-inspired tablet.

Christened the "Dual Core HD GamePad 2", yes, even baring the Nintendo-coined controller name, the device is a 7-inch Android driven tablet that bares a strong resemblance to the original debut 2011 Wii U GamePad design. The setup includes dual shoulder buttons, circle-pads and the same face button configuration as the current Wii U GamePad, it's distant cousin as it were.

Specs aside, the manufacturer also notes "9 kinds of Simulator games"  that span an array of classic formats including N64, Mega Drive, PlayStation and Game Boy Advance - we take it "simulator" is a fancy name for "illegal emulator"?

Image for Android Tablet Clones Original Wii U GamePad Design

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Chinese/Korean stuff like this has always existed. It's a shame Nintendo can't do much about it, but I don't think it will matter that much...

Hahah wow, even the little lines on the d-pad. Shaaaameless. Do these things actually make money then?

i kind of expect microsoft will come out with something like this that will work in conjunction with kinect an also take them into portable gaming

It seems funny, but if there was a device that would let me play SNES, N64, GC, and GameBoy games I would buy the ever-loving crap out of it. 

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

I'm so confused as to why nintendo don't allow people who own a 3DS access to the wii virtual console. Would be a great selling point

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