Nintendo Wii Mini Removes 480p and Component Support

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.12.2012 17

Nintendo Wii Mini Removes 480p and Component Support on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Reports from hands-on sessions with the Nintendo Wii Mini have revealed that the console can't output to 480p or use component cables.

The Nintendo Wii Mini, currently exclusive to Canada over the holiday season, is Nintendo's latest attempt to continue sales of the original Wii with a setup designed primarily for the very basic player. It's stripped of it's internet functionality, DLC, SD card storage and is designed to soley play games - most likely Wii Fit or Wii Sports.

Contrary to previous reports, there is a USB port on the device - a sole one - but according to tests, an external ethernet internet adaptor doesn't retrieve internet play.

But to make matters worse, players won't be able to get the best possible picture on the TV either with support for component cables completely removed, with players essentially forced to use the practically obsolete composite (red, yellow, white) cables instead. Nintendo are being very specific about this too, confirming the removal of component support from the system - the manual stating that only the supplied cables can be used.

In terms of power though, tests have shown that the consumption is lower than the original launch Wii, cutting back to around 18w usage in some games.

Finally, looking at the Wii Mini's form factor in contrast to the standard model, it's not exactly too small in comparison either.

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Finally...Canada gets some respect. Aboot time!!!

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!

No component support either? Just how basic is this thing? Nintendo should be selling this featureless device for like £30 not £80.

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It's actually mad. I can understand removing support for SD cards - they really should have increased the flash storage on it by a few GB, then kept Internet play and component. Really can't cost that much - and really would have made it appeal to a bigger crowd, especially those who may have sold their Wii or just want one on the cheap.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

How many people actually used component cables over the included composite?

I feel like this is an issue that is going to stir up anger without any basis for that anger.
(Not to mention why is there anger with these types of things anyway. It's video games people!)

Ty (guest) 13.12.2012#5

Composite cables are not obsolete.

This is a purposefully stripped down version of Wii for people who don't want to pay much money for a games console for their kids/whatever.

This isn't a major product launch from Nintendo.

So many websites seem to think it's supposed to be a "Wii U killer" -- no. It's supposed to be a dead cheap way to sell Wii and capitalize on the thousands of games already released on that system while they go ahead an throw money at Wii U.

Yeah, this Wii just sucks. I'm sorry, but component output isn't some high-end function. Composite just looks like a blurry mess, especially on a HD TV, which is already having enough work to do with upscaling a 480p image. Now it's expected to upscale a 480i image, and a blurry one at that. Expect lots of shimmering reds. Ironic really, given that red is Nintendo's primary colour. Mario games are gonna look shit on this one!

Also surprising is that this is the first proper comparison I've seen between old and new, and to be fair, the difference in size is really negligible. The PS3 Slim was a good deal smaller than the fatty, and the super slim a good deal smaller than the first slim. This thing just seems like a featureless, shambolic impersonator of a Wii.

This system continues to make no sense whatsoever. Feel bad for any kiddos in Canada getting this one under the tree.

How many people actually used component cables over the included composite?

I would hope everyone. I know this isn't true given the proportion of non-tech types that own a Wii, but for people who care about picture quality, they're a must.

They could just have had a modular output for the tv...the gamecube did I think? or was it the snes?
One of the systems had a littlee module where the tv socket was.. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Ty (guest) said:

This is a purposefully stripped down version of Wii for people who don't want to pay much money for a games console for their kids/whatever.

I'm sure that's what they have in mind, but it's still kind of a crappy product. If a parent is savvy at all, they'll find that they can get a used, fully featured Wii for $80 at Gamestop, or cheaper if they snoop around. But I guess some people like to buy things new, even if they kind of suck.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

So the point of this console is???

So many websites seem to think it's supposed to be a "Wii U killer" -- no.

I do appreciate it's supposed to be a stripped down Wii, and I mean stripped down, but we have to look at completely clueless consumers. A new Wii vs a Wii U - one is a lot cheaper. I would opt for the Wii Mini.

I think it would be fine if they released it with Internet - at the very least - and some extra internal storage. Job done, at least six months down the line from the Wii U to give it some room to breathe. OR they should have released this Mini over the summer, or something, instead of the new Wii model.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
So many websites seem to think it's supposed to be a "Wii U killer" -- no.

I do appreciate it's supposed to be a stripped down Wii, and I mean stripped down, but we have to look at completely clueless consumers. A new Wii vs a Wii U - one is a lot cheaper. I would opt for the Wii Mini.

I think it would be fine if they released it with Internet - at the very least - and some extra internal storage. Job done, at least six months down the line from the Wii U to give it some room to breathe. OR they should have released this Mini over the summer, or something, instead of the new Wii model.

It's the fact that it's a wii without any of the bells and whistles. Think about it, half of Mii plaza is gone, weather, youtube, news etc all gone. What's the point? You'd be better to pick one up second hand for less than ge one of these.

But I agree - it's for the clueless consumer.

Echoes221 said:
Think about it, half of Mii plaza is gone, weather, youtube, news etc all gone. What's the point?

There was a time when GAME consoles were used to just play and enjoy games.

That's what the point is.

Sonic_13 said:
Echoes221 said:
Think about it, half of Mii plaza is gone, weather, youtube, news etc all gone. What's the point?

There was a time when GAME consoles were used to just play and enjoy games.

That's what the point is.

Yes that's the point - it simply plays Wii games. But you can't examine this outside the context of the price. Fact is, you aren't getting an outrageous discount by buying this system instead of the full featured Wii.

So when it comes down to it this thing doesn't make a whole lot of sense. It isn't like Nintendo is giving these away for 20 bucks a pop. Any consumer with any sense should see its a much better deal to go for the full Wii system. This thing isn't even that mini compared to the original system either. 

So yeah, the point is that its a GAME console, but it doesn't make any sense to buy this crippled machine when a much better equipped system can be had for surprisingly little more. Unless you're a parent who's actually wanting a zero-feature Wii system so that little Johnny can only play Wii games, this is nonsensical at this price point.

GAME offered me £13.50 for trade in value on my Wii the other day when buying my Wii U. I told them that the unit is probably worth more its weight in plastic!

Either way, who would pay £80 for a stripped down Wii when they could just get the original model for the same price, if not less and considerably less preowned!

Sonic_13 said:
Echoes221 said:
Think about it, half of Mii plaza is gone, weather, youtube, news etc all gone. What's the point?

There was a time when GAME consoles were used to just play and enjoy games.

That's what the point is.

But a load of games will miss their functionality. Take Monster Hunter and Mario Kart for example. You're missing out on more than half the fun/content....

Not to mention every WiiWare and VC game. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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