More Screenshots for Dragon Quest VII 3DS Remake

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.12.2012 3

More Screenshots for Dragon Quest VII 3DS Remake on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The eagerly anticipated 3DS remake of Dragon Quest VII has gotten screenshot treatment from Square Enix today.

The Japanese RPG giant released a handful of stunning new shots of the adventure unfolding on Nintendo's portable, which includes an updated graphical palette, orchestral score and bonus content/additional areas to explore over the 2000/2001 PlayStation original - yet retains the charm of the original design.

Image for More Screenshots for Dragon Quest VII 3DS Remake

Dragon Quest VII was the first steps into polygon 3D for the popular franchise, following the story of a 16 year old boy who fancies being a fab fisherman when he overcomes puberty. However he becomes distracted as he finds a lost world beyond his own and seeks to uncover the truth with his friends. Just what happened to these lost continents? Find out in Dragon Quest VII on Nintendo 3DS.

Image for More Screenshots for Dragon Quest VII 3DS Remake
Image for More Screenshots for Dragon Quest VII 3DS Remake

What do you think of the Dragon Quest VII remake?

Box art for Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past

Arte Piazza


Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



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Ahhh.. I can't tell you how much I longed for this. Not the greatest DQ ever made in my eyes, but this will be such a landmark nevertheless. As far as DQ7 is concerned this will be its home coming.

( Edited 06.12.2012 20:05 by Powdered Water )

toddblend (guest) 08.12.2012#2

Give us Final Fantasy III snes remake on wii u already! That is the only game that will make FF7 look bad! FF7 borrowed so much from 3 that Square said they won't remake 7 because they need a FF to top it. So that is where 3 comes in!? 3 has so much content and charactors in it that it would easy over shadow 7. please SE give us a remake of 3!

Thought for a moment, FF3 US right? I want that remade too. FF3 JPN is already remade on DS, loved that one as well.

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